Holiday Moderation…

Merry Christmas!!  Happy New Year!!

It is the  holiday season. I find myself, like many others getting caught up in the hustle and business of shopping, sending Christmas cards, catching up with friends I may not have seen, and the “oh” so good foods. It’s all a good thing, so full of excitement and good feelings…but, I do have to stay aware!!

With my family we get involved in some long distance travel as a lot of us live 1000 plus miles apart. This year my daughter and granddaughter drove up to see me; her youngest sister’s family living up here also and of course the many friends she likes to get in touch with while here. It’s a fun time filled with laughter, renewed birthday’s, visiting, watching classic Christmas movies till wee hours of the morning and of course having a glass of wine or two and cookies, food and all!!

Since I do continue to find myself being very aware of maintaining my healthy ways, watching what I eat, getting enough sleep; getting enough liquids, H2o type, I make sure that the enjoyment of sweets, wine and foods that are not as good for me is done in moderation.

The empty calories, poor nutrition quality, sugar, high carbs just make me want to eat more and more to the point I get bloated and stuffed and then I crave more in less than an hour of eating. I do not like that feeling and worst yet…I know what it does to the metabolic process in my body, it screws it up pretty bad.

With moderation, applying the 90/10 rule I use at holidays I can keep my 90% healthy ways and use the 10% to still enjoy the things of “old”. I like this and it is a great balance for me during the holidays. It keeps my cravings in check, the best feeling ever!!

Everyone keep health, enjoy the holidays!!   Thanks



I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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