Feed My Happiness…


More and more I am able to turn my mind off and believe what is in my heart. THINKING can drive me crazy when it comes to my Circle of Life. KNOWING what is in my heart is better, believing it…is wonderful and is a deeper happiness.

Getting out of my brain and more into my spirit is a  greater trust in me; my Circle of Life. I feed my spiritual self for a renewed happiness.

Getting out of my brain is one way I feed my happiness. Another way I boast my happiness is staying with my lifestyle changes. Food is still my medicine…Medicine is my food. In the lifestyle changes I have made I reach for a handful of grapes, or an apple, or a handful of pumpkin seeds…or a handful of cut up raw carrots, just something like that!!

Slicing that apple in into pieces and  dipping the slices into Sun Butter (Sunflower Seed version of Peanut butter) changes my brain rush to each junk food. Eating more fruits, veggies makes me happy, I get more satisfaction and I feel good stuff…

Thanksgiving is three days away. I can remember days of old when FOOD was first on my list in the Circle of Life. I would eat, eat and stuff myself…then eat some more. Totally all good, yummy food, no doubt, my plate needed sides on it just to hold what I dished up…I even went back for second’s on some of it!!

I still think of that, laugh a lot too, what a mindset of thinking…stuff myself for the holidays, then go on a diet after the first of the year. Guess what? I never made the “diet” part, ate a bunch of food though!!

I still enjoy Thanksgiving, still eat good, but clean food, and in proportion and balance. More important is MY happiness of family, friends, loved ones far and near…my greater happiness of spirit and love along with my good health  being fed WELL!!    I like that.

For those who read this, ENJOY!!       

My Love to all in the coming Holidays.        John



I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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