Flavor Buzz

The Choice is Yours, and it is Really that Simple.

     What tastes so good today are all the Fast Foods that posses a label that really hides the unhealthy fats; the sugary snacks of refined sugars or tricked sugars; flours; the processed flares which create bio-chemical conditions of taking out the OLD vitamin and putting in the new better modified Vitamins…and it goes on and on in the front lines of the FOOD WAR…

Are you Tricked and Treated by the new flavors of food? Or the pretty box with eye candy HEALTH words? Or 100 calorie wholesome snacks? Or do you get off your ass, kick butt on a new lifestyle and eat closer to the earth and discover the real flavor of food, again it is really that simple…

I will tell you some of the new stuff out there may be ok…it is what it says it is…BUT, again there is that flare of “products” that give you a pretty box, eye candy health phases, and that is where it stops. Look & Read the label my friend, chemical warfare that hits your body!!

What am I really saying?

     Things changed…many things. New agricultural methods, industrial machinery, chemical science, and new manmade ingredients. We got extraordinary profusion of new, novel, highly flavored cheap processed-food, meats and processed-beverage stuff.

You add television and advertising…now you got social change, less prepared meals or eating together. A truly amazing lifestyle change to TV dinners, fast-food drive through, frozen pizzas, supersize servings, and of course all day “soda” drinking, all of which gives you more time…to do something else, in a lot of cases to just EAT MORE…

Bang “a” Boom…surprisingly, my ass got bigger, my gut was reaching a country mile, the weight gain, failing sex drive, heart stuff and I feared diabetes was not far off…

Suddenly, I got concerned about my health and got eager to know what was in the FOOD. The food industry, meanwhile, a step ahead was excited to make new and better HEALTH CLAIMS about their foods in order to keep a better “grip” and “appeal” for me and other folks.

As you may have read in my earlier blogs…I made the lifestyle change. I eat close to the earth. I made the change and took back my BODY, made it healthy again, got my “numbers” (blood work) back to normal…

The challenge today for me is to not “give-in” to the Food Industry’s “hype” about new and better food being developed. I continue to stay focused to eating close to the earth. Fresh organic veggies, fruits, organic meats, eggs, and  to buy local as much as I can. I EAT PLANTS…

I can say their are no fancy gimmicks, no-hype in eating close to the earth as I can. LESS labels to read when you buy fresh. That is my WELLNESS, my well being. It does not get much better than this.

I got BADASS HEALTH going for me…What’s your style?



I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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