Making Lifestyles That Last!!

Hi ya all…

I looked back into my blogs and decided that it is time to add some MEAT to my blogs. I hope you know I am not about always selling you a product, book or diet. I am about giving you information that not only requires you to stop increasing your Butt Size but also to Kick Ass those bad Lifestyles steps I had to do also.

YOU want to eat better, exercise more, wear horse blinders when grocery shopping, buy skinny clothes and MAKE any number of these positive changes to help you “look good” and be healthy.  These are about the same Lifestyle changes I started thinking about to make and made.

I will say this, “Welcome to the Wilderness” of steep cliff’s to climb, pothole paths to follow, and challenging friends who think it’s “stupid”…but the most hardest of all is especially when YOU want to change many things all at once. My struggle was exactly that…I wanted it all at once, but soon realized with all the setbacks, giving up at first became easier, but over time, by doing small things and adding to them it was easier.

I will not fluff it, it was tough, hard and so much easier to “not do it”. I had to make a “choice” and the choice I made is so rewarding, trust that!!

LIFESTYLE change is a process that will take time, requires support from YOU first!!  YOU have to make it fit you, commit to it and follow through because it is your lifestyle.

To start, these 4 tips will help you make lasting, positive changes that will effect your behavior and lifestyle, and it’s not a diet…YOU make it fit you and where you are at right now.

MAKE a plan that will stick…and help you change. Be specific and detailed. Write it out at first, post it on your frig. Examples…

  • I will walk Tuesday and Thursday for 30 minutes.
  • I will go meatless for one day each week.
  • I will read instead of watching the news.
  • Many other changes you may want, it’s limitless.

Write it down, plan, is it real for YOU…if you think it will not work, start with smaller or less steps, but start somewhere for changes and stick with them.

START small…after you have identified your changes. Set both short term and long term goals, stuff you can achieve. Losing one pound a week, eating healthier for 2 desserts, getting one walk in one time a week as examples.  At the  end of the week, you meet your goal or challenge. YOU have started!! Go to the next week and as YOU make your goals, change them up or add new ones, remember YOU are the boss, YOU own this…

CHANGE one behavior at a time…because good behaviors “take out” the bad ones. Keeping your eye balls on one goal or change at a time makes better good habits to keep for the overall change YOU are working towards, whether it’s a weight goal, less stress, relationships, getting in shape and so on.

INVOLVE a buddy…it could be a friend, co-worker, wife, lover or someone who will help you and or do it with you…going for walks, cooking healthy meals with or for each other, stop smoking, no TV time, and others.

My significant other and I helped each other keep on track with changes and what we wanted to strive for. Some of her goals were different than mine, but we worked together for the  same effect, better health!!

I have  to tell you here though…we both strived for better health. We both did fight and argue on some of the changes or ideas on what healthy meant.  Interesting enough also, it helped our relationship.  We became better partners, independent, supportive, had tons of fun doing it and became better lovers and it made for good hot sex of life, in the overall Lifestyle changes we both made.  It is good.

Making these Lifestyle changes YOU want will take time and commitment, but with wanting it…you can do it.  Just as important as these changes you want to make, also be kind to yourself.  When you eat a brownie or skip the walk or “junk food” it out for a day, it’s ok!! Tomorrow is another day, recover and get back on track. This is the beauty of Lifestyle changes and how they work.  Go for it my friend, kick some ass…on your changes that is!!

Later          John


I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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