Age Gracefully

I have to put this blog out there.

Aging is inevitable…The Hell you say! Can you beat it? Do you want to get old? Hell No!

No matter how hard I tried, the years caught up with me eventuality, but I told myself that it does not mean that I had to sit back and let it prematurely take my youth away. No, there are things I learned, that you NEED TO do, starting right now to beat the aging process, and maintain your youthful looks and vigor well into an age nobody will be able to guess! I did it and it really works.

The tips I am sharing are extremely simple- there is no magic pill here. Read my blog as I share the key tips you should be doing and then do not be a dumb ass and let anybody give you shit about them or talk you out of it…because they do work.


I used to think…”hey man” I only need 4 or 5 hours of sleep. I was fooled, health wise. I discovered that sleeping is one of life’s simple pleasures, feels good and something that finally came naturally to me, and if you got your lover beside you, that warm body feels good, it’s like a bonus.

I found out through my reading and health research that more than half of the USA’s adult population is chronically sleep deprived, in the sense that they get less than the recommended 8-9 hours nightly, many days running. Sleep is the one thing that everyone has going for them, it is the hit reset button for your body.

Kick ass, I did and I got my sleep cycle changed. What a difference more sleep did for my health.

During sleep, repair takes place, so that proteins in skin are fixed, hormone production gets turned up, and the process of rebuilding in your body happens, you may even get horny again…it does work that way to.

Chronic sleep deficiency inhibits the ability of the body to fix structural defects, including your DNA, which can accelerate graying of hair, wrinkling of skin and deterioration of organs. Other words you look like hell, feel like hell, get crabby, depressed and say “oh hell” drink more beer or something and feel even worse.

There you are! Is that what you want? It is real easy to be an old, ugly fart!


I eat many vegetables and greens. Today, I still keep my lifestyle of eating. It does not matter which, but do include a variety of different veggies and greens, as each bring something different to the table. Most veggies or greens are extremely low calories, making them perfect for bulk at mealtimes, as you can eat a lot, and not get many calories. In addition, each are full of fiber, which keep intestinal and colon health on point, as well as tons of anti-oxidants, vitamin and minerals, which fend off free radicals and compounds that damage DNA and promote aging. They are good, they are close to the earth, no additives or processed.

SHED Pounds… KILL The Recreational Hobbies

Many things should be exposed here, I will only touch the surface on a few. Sure, drinking a six of beer while watching TV, on a bean bag, late into the night is a bad hobby, and it is damaging, but it is bad in the sense I am referring about. It relates to drinking, if you smoke, eat junk food, it compounds things even more. Then, more than likely, you feel like shit in the morning.

Excessive alcohol consumption places undue stress on the liver, the primary job of, is to remove toxins from the body, and in some cases drinking makes it unable to do its job. This accumulation of toxins is bad for health. It does kick-start the accelerator of aging into high gear. It’s a no brainer as far as I am concerned.

Smoking, on the other hand is worse in many aspects. With negative effects ranging from the lungs, to blood vessels and more, smoking can age you 25 years in just 5 years. Nutrient delivery suffers, so skin ages and wrinkles far sooner than it should, and you increase the risk of dying from complications of the lung.

Is it hard to quit? You bet, many of my friends have tried several times to kick that cig. If it does not work the first time, try it again; until it works…don’t let that “cig” control your life.


Here is a good one for the books, please don’t expect to be euphoric all day long, but being happy has proven benefits over being sad, or crabby. Happy produces endorphins, the feel good chemicals produced in the brain that boost mood, reduce heart rate and blood pressure, and reduce stress levels as well. Go for it, it works!!

Practicing mindfulness meditation is one of the best ways to develop your appreciation of the little things in life, and improve your happiness and outlook not to mention the fact that frowning just speeds up development of wrinkles and fine lines!


A little jogging, cycling (3 wheeled trike) or walking is good during any point of life, but in order to diminish the effects of aging, weight training is a must. Not only does muscle help you fill out your clothing, but it can also help prevent skin from sagging, wrinkling, or your posture from stooping, keeps the back in shape.

Nothing screams “old” like a hunched back and sagging skin…but luckily, weight lifting can delay this for years to come, not only that, but your overall mobility will be kept in check, helps your balance and you will look great, so hit the weights! FYI, you do not have to bulk up, just work your muscles and limbs, it is movement, and your couch will last longer! YOU can find a way.

If you have been in-active for a long time, please check with your doctor first, it is important to do that if you do have some minor or major health concerns to deal with or if nothing to deal with…it is still a good idea. Thanks.

Personally, I empowered myself. I do a kettle bell routine, walk and use dumbbells. The combinations I do keeps my back in shape, muscles toned and most of all keeps my “belly” from becoming a major scenic part of my body. It works for me!!

Later                                                 John


I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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