There are a few things in life that seem to be some of the best stuff that you just take for granted, I will cover one of them. I say that, cuz y’all been doing it your whole life, Draining the Swamp is one!!!

OK, now you think I am going ballistic on you with some political bull shit…I would not think of it because politics and religion can’t be argued, besides this is about my health, I think it is yours also. Man or woman, it makes no difference.

This morning about 5:30 one eye ball popped open, closed again, opened. My other eye, yes I have two…did about the same. Those are my first signs of life. In no certain order other hints of existence occur that tell me I have a body attached to my opened eye balls. I sleep naked. I like the sheets against my skin. I like the freedom of movement without bunched PJ’s I wake up to adjust in the night. I like the warmth in the space my body fills while I’m in bed…

The feeling of “warmth” when you first wake up I always take for granted. I like to lay for a few, let my body and senses take in the warmth, how it feels against my skin. I might curl up, I stretch, I wiggle my toes, I caress my skin, I rub my butt, I got “wood” that feels good. scratch my belly, rub my head, all the little things that help me to enjoy that last morning “warmth” before you throw back the covers, let 10 toes find the floor.

Drain the Swamp makes its present known. It does, during the ritual of waking up from the cozy warmth I was enjoying. It was not like “wham – bam” jump out of bed and go PEE…though some mornings that will come first as I run buck ass naked to the bathroom to open the valve to Drain the Swamp as I let it flow “naturally”  WHAT does “naturally” mean? 

Flow naturally?? Now you think I just lost it, everybody will “pee” naturally, not necessarily true. Everyone may pee, but there is some misconceptions on that…here are some quick observations you can do in a matter of seconds, it is part of your health you know!!

Instead of ignoring your pee, as most of us do and dashing back to bed, or resuming your morning routine…take this golden (no pun intended) opportunity to become familiar with your “normal”.  YOU should do this during the day also.

If you  notice changes in the way your pee looks or smells, the cause might be something, your pee changes color depending on what foods you eat, what medications and supplements you take, how much water you drink, how active you are, and of course the time of day.

YOUR PEE can reveal important information about your body’s waste elimination process, it gives you clues about your overall health status, so know what your “normal” is. It”s your health!!

BTW pee is 95% water and 5% urea (uric acid), minerals, salts, enzymes and other various stuff that would cause problems if allowed to accumulate in your body…NORMAL urine is clear and has a straw yellow color to it.  Y’all know that normal  morning pee is usually darker cuz you held it all night.

However you may look at your pee, it does give you some clues to possible potential problems that may be developing, giving you time to do something about it.  Go see a doc, if you don’t think it is not normal!!

Later…                                                                                                John


I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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