Covid-19 Panic…Avoid It


COVID-19 is making its way into major cities, suburbs, small towns across the U.S. With many folks it can become increasingly hard to remain calm and not panic in some way or form.

Some, a lot of, the crazy parts of the over hyped reporting pushes fear and anxiety. I sat on my ass and got crazy inside and focused solely on what is happening with our world outside. I listened to many stupid people on how this is wrong, this is right, it should have been done this way or that. I even quit work, sat on my ass more, listened to all the news I could. I ended up focused and figured I am old, and I am going to die. GUESS WHAT ???

I started watching “old time” TV, not that I watch a lot. I watch my fave’s like The Voice, History channel. I like Friends, Last Man Standing, Gunsmoke and so on. I read a lot.Most of all, I enjoy writing. One of greatest things that help is my spiritually and faith, it is very calming for me on a daily basis. The next best thing first and foremost I did, I got my updates and facts from reliable sources and then I put my focus on things I liked…on me!! I am a much better guy, much stronger and my “boots” fit better, so much better, now that I “KICKED ASS” on the MEDIA, the bullshit hype that wants folks like me to be in fear and anxiety. DAMN IT, that feels good!!

In part of this I realized I can avoid contact with people, wash my hands more carefully, keep six feet distance from people, drink beer by myself and fart all I want when I take a walk. I realized I have my own “mindfulness” back again. I can control my MEDIA, my information and still take the common precautions to prevent. I am also going back to work. I will face this right up front and besides, money helps pay the bills, ya think!!

As I have stated in previous blogs, by no means am I down-playing COVID-19 or any flu bug or anything else that people get. It is serious and I look at it that way, I do not want to get sick. i will go to the Doc ASAP just like everyone else.

I have found, for me, three things that really help to stay calm and centered in this time of panic or what you may call it. (1) I my keep my mindfulness more now of being focused on me instead of just sitting on my ASS. I stay active, yet being serious about COVID-19. (2) I looked, sought out creative outlets that changed my focus even more. It pulled me out of bullshit thinking. I like that. (3) I am giving back and helping others by blogging what I do. With my blogs, I hope that it helps others get the strength to help focus outside of the box. You and others may find different things to do, just do it…

Some thoughts on this, call someone you have not talked to in a while. a phone call can change a life. Post on Facebook good stuff about what you are doing to stay calm, as an example. Go for a walk and fart, just because you can. I must share this as it is funny….I am outside with my daughter (lives close to me) and she has her dog out also. I dropped a “SILENT ONE” and course Sadie smelled it as soon as it hit the air wave, she turned her nose up and moved away from me. We both laughed on that one!!

I can not do anything when it comes to curing or stopping the spread of COVID-19, but I can do things that reduce my panic and which will give me an overwhelming sense of calmness. I will take advantage of my (1) mindfulness (2) creative outlets (3) giving back to those who need it. In these three things I will be able to stay calm and centered, even now!!

Thought for the day: Stay Calm and Center Yourself

Later: John


I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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