CONTROL your Life NOW!!!

I feel like I have a mouth full of uncertainty all the time with this ever changing Pandemic, only to realize I was not alone, most everyone else is in the same rescue life boat…except the 4 people. who always are bailing out tears so we can stay afloat! HA HA!! 2020 has been a wild ride.

NO one could have predicted this crap, this pandemic, when this year started. The Corona virus has changed life as we know it. Our sense of normalcy has become unrecognizable in many ways. Sometimes I think I am going to get “shot” when I go into the bank to draw money out. Me, being on the racy side of behavior I even held up my driver’s license in front of my mask, the teller did not think that was cute, I thought it was!!

Public health policies, including physical distancing, social changes, rules, regulations and quarantines have caused a feeling of fear for many. I just had to add one more to this ever changing list. How about we all try to stay “upwind” of folks so germs blow the other way, HUH, what do ya think? As I am laughing like “hell” at the humor of this!

There have been a lot of unknowns for people to deal with. Even the smartest experts have jumped “ship” enough times only to rescue themselves in another statement…and cause even more chaos for me and many others.

Economic insecurity, changes to daily routines as well as changes to the fabric of normal life in the world has in many ways left us standing alone…somewhere! Even many public restroom are locked so we have to “pick” a big box store and use that one. we rub our eyes with our elbows, keep a wad of TP in our back pocket just in case! Crazy huh?

Now, to add more disorder, the holiday season is upon us, we have to sneak out the back door to Grandma’s house, climb in the window the East side of her house to avoid the germ traffic cowboy standing and waiting to flag down cars to talk to folks to see where they are going! Then ur busted!

WTF (What the Fart), how can you control your life? I grabbed the young bull by its ears, no horns yet! I have my selfish suggestions to share. I wanted to protect my sanity and stay well during the holidays during this pandemic.


In general, I am a people watcher…I have noticed folks thrive off of certainty, normalcy and a sense of safety. I think folks want to feel safe and also have a sense of control over their lives and well-being. With the ever changing restrictions, the bullshit rhetoric of rule changes from week to week, the uncertainty is an unavoidable part of life. It changes in an instant from one expert to the other.

I wanted to grab a “month old” sock and cram in their mouth. I realized that I wash clothes to often to do that! Go figure huh! In order to wrap my head around it all I kept my routine, what works for me. Its a grounding practice. It gives me balance, consistency and reliability. I controlled the calm, my mind, my body in these times of worry and trouble.

My Routine I Stick With!

  1. I use positive self-talk: I do not beat myself up with these uncertainties in life during this crazy year. I found my level of resiliency. I understand my own efforts and use positive self-talk to ground myself.
  2. I control what I can control: I focus on the things that I can actually control, even if it’s as simple as my daily routine, I make it fit. My fitness planning is for me. I plan my meals or change them up for what I like. I read a book, work on a puzzle. I do for me, it is fun and I involve family accordingly also.
  3. I do not binge-watch bad news: I found it way to easy to get trapped spending hours watching negative news. I limited it. I watch positive news, if found. Right now it is “no news” and I feel less stress and anger with this choice.
  4. I am my own biggest supporter: Pretend you are talking to a close friend, how would I show support? What would I tell them? How would I encourage them? BINGO, I turned this set of good vibes on to myself, a no-brainier. I fixed ME! WOW!
  5. Seek support from your TRIBE: I got trusted friends and family in high places! HA HA! My very best friend is the good Lord! I have good family support also. Between prayer, venting and talking, I found this to be a great control and best way to process my feelings. I share my highs, lows, successes and failures. You end up with the best results.
  6. I expanded my skill set: I found that these uncertainty times has pushed me into a positive change. I stepped on a toad, 1 egg shell, gummie worms,a rock and ice cream! No, no…but I am reading more, looking at some on line courses to do. Work at home ideas. Again, these are things i can control. I like that.
  7. Talk to a PRO: Hey, ur pro may be ur bro or ur sis!! Who knows. I was thinking of finding a good bar, a good bartender, get drunk and spill the beans…hangover, NO…spend a wheel barrel of cash, NO. Seriously, the bar is not good. If getting over the hill is hard, see a therapist, maybe your primary care MD on a phone call. A health and wellness coach too.
  8. Last resort: Check my blogs out…I can put a smile on your mug!! HA HA! I hope they are refreshing for you and others!

As I am the captain of my life, you are the captain of your life. My habits fortify me in times of uncertainty. The pandemic life is hard for me as it is for others. I know I am not alone, but in reality, I have to control what I do to stay healthy and strong willed in my being. You will do the same!!

I have a strong positive attitude. I keep it that way…it is half my battle in taking control, keeping control to stay above the bullshit. Just remember that “shit” runs down hill…so be on top of your game!!

I stopped being the chronic victim to this pandemic. I have these techniques to combat, battle and fight back. I am a winner in my life! Make yourself a winner in your life. Just do it!!

Word of the day: Attitude

Later John


I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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