Did You Know…

The next time you are forced to make a decision about which path to take, remember that Satan rules His World with Fear, while God rules His Universe with Love. A thought: “The Devil saw me with my head down and thought he’d won, until I said ‘Amen.’”

Interestingly enough, when I take the time to pause and reflect, or just to stand a minute and stretch my brain power…it really helps me prepare for what the day may bring. Hey, a little bit of my brain may ooze out my ear, but confidence and hope are kinda with me for the day and I also ask Jesus to be!!

The best part I crave in this is the fact that I understand better that I can be happy or sad, sweet or crabby, power out on food. My “free will” gives me a right or left, gives me a twinkle in my eyes or an evil look of “leave me along”…

Like eating a crunchy taco, it breaks, drips on my t-shirt and jeans, it pisses me off, smears more when u try to clean it up some and I’m 47 miles from home!! When I have a day like this, I get both the stain on my clothes and the remark from my friends “eating tacos again huh!!” I laugh and take it in stride, some days I don’t!!!! Taco days I try to remember an extra T in the truck!! It works.

I like to take time right away to pause, reflect and Pray at the start of my day. I can be in the present, look ahead of what’s to come. I can trust the fact I get some of both, the good stuff and the challenging stuff of life!! Grass is still green at the end of the day. Ducks still quack and swim at the end of day. You still gotta flush the toilet at the end of the day!! All is good.

Think about that… John


I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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