Baby Steps…

It’s not easy to leave behind what we know and travel into the unknown, but it’s a step we all must take at some point in our lives. When the time comes for us to cross our own ocean, to find our own “place which God for us prepared,” if we do it with a step of FAITH while keeping close to God, He will surely guide us through. Unknown Author.

Travel into the unknown, OMGosh…

I read that and I want to turn around, run like hell, go back to being a kid, when on a rainy day ma, made us strip down to our shorts, then kicked us out of the house when it was raining cuz she knew we would get our clothes muddy and it would be 1 less load of of clothes to wash and hang out to dry…those were the days my friend. Many more examples of my youth could be shared. My brothers and I lived on a farm for a bit. We had a “hell” of a lot of fun, got in trouble as much as we had fun too!! The last part of the day, she would hose us down with the garden hose to wash the mud off b4 we could come back into the house, tired, hungry and sharing the fun we had, ma would listen to each of us and laugh with us!! Then it was “get pj’s on, supper time, get to the table!! Memories!! Life was simple!!

I look back, I look at the present, dream (yet) bout the future and know things today and tomorrow are but a mirror of my past as a kid growing up. I’m still growing up. I feel ma and dad looking down on me and the other 6 of our tribe and I can sense their words: “Those are our kids” “Look at them now!” I picture Ma, holding the garden hose keeping the “mud” off us all, yet today!! My heart flutters!!

I’m sitting here and wondering how I could take this blog further. I realize that I do not have to. My Mellon helped me set aside negative world stuff for a moment, set aside prejudice for a moment, it was easier to listen to my heart for a moment!! I let go, I let God flutter my heart!!

Our Soul is pretty special, it can not be taken away!! Take care, be safe!! John


I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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