Am I Ready?

Two questions that I am asking myself right now. “Why am I putting myself on the line”? “Why I am starting a new adventure with this healthful web site?”

Listening to my body, I feel the stressful thoughts and feelings that are attacking by sending a bunch of inflammatory and immune suppressing compounds into my body and mind that are telling me to run the other way…FEAR can be such a disease. I just got started and the fear is telling me to STOP!!

However, I also feel the pleasurable, exciting and relaxed feelings and moments of the new emotional connection that also attack and send a bunch of healing, growth and anti-inflammatory compounds that override that same FEAR.

Instead of letting that FEAR disconnect me from my dream I forced myself to continue reaching out to my family and friends by telling them of my progress and excitement. They shared the excitement with me and waited. When I launched my site my daughters told me “awesome dad”, “I love it” and liked what I did. Staying connected was my own self-care. The fear is still there, but it is not a controlling fear any longer.

I also answered my own “Why” questions this way…”Because I want to look better, be healthier, feel better and have more energy“. Sharing my health experiences, my ups and downs will help keep me focused on my own answer. It feels good!!


I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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