Antibiotics IQ


So many articles are popping up bout our “antibiotics” use today in the real world…the alarming factor of it is that the concern is more about creating a “PILL”….very scary!!

I will step on toes here, because another alarming factor is that a lot of people want a pill, it’s easier than making lifestyle changes for health, it’s instant results to a health need or sickness. Besides, people will think I’m crazy to make lifestyle changes to better my health. All are excuses, and that’s ok…some people just are not ready.  Frankly, this is a whole other blog!!

Since 1950 to our present time  of 2016 a major over-use of antibiotics has NOW reached an all time high, it’s GLOBAL!!  This use of antibiotics has resulted in different kinds of “drug resistant” bacteria or superbugs (as they are called) that are  now at the top of our food chain, resistant to the antibiotics!!

WHAT THE HELL…these damn pan-resistant bacteria can kill everything in your body (your own immune fighting bacteria) from the MICROBES in your gut, immune system and even your brain…and doctor’s still prescribe antibiotics anyway, go figure, right!!

Doctors, scientists, drug manufactures are scrambling to find new options, A NEW SUPER PILL!!  Now, are we not lucky or what??  Take a breath for now, they just can not find it yet or make it I guess.

INTERESTING enough…30% of antibiotic prescriptions in the U.S. are unnecessary, do not work anyway, and this part will blow your mind…80% of antibiotic drugs sold in the U.S. are used on animals, our FOOD CHAIN!!     Now, I am not a “rocket scientists” or anything close, but I am concerned about my own health…so, in our food (some cases it is) these new bacteria are present, again knocking off our immune system, knocking down our health.

Ask your doctor to explain this away…makes you want to drive right over and get a new prescription for antibiotics, right!!

What I just said is scary as hell!! Makes ya think…what chance do we have here??

INTERESTING enough again…I said “NO” to using Antibiotics years ago. I use natural foods and herbs on a daily basis that help guard and protect my body, gut health, immunity and brain health from infections and diseases.  INTERESTING FACT, nutrition used to be a prescription for better health back in the 1950’s and before, a FYI for ya!!

It’s amazing that foods and herbs that worked 100’s of years ago still work today.  Instead off waiting to get sick, I keep my immunity built up on a daily basis…really a NO BRAINER in my lifestyle change!!  The new superbugs can not become immune to the foods and herbs because it’s NATURAL and my IMMUNITY is stronger than ever!!

I totally believe in the fact that “Let my food be my medicine and my medicine be my food“.  For me, this is more true than ever before. I use all the natural antibiotics I have listed below and they work:


  1.  Garlic and onions.
  2. Honey.
  3. cabbage, Broccoli and Kale.
  4. Apple Cider Vinegar.
  5. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil  (I think one of the best to eat by the spoonful, cook with, use as butter at times…and its good for the brain, I like it)
  6. Fermented foods like Sauerkraut, raw pickles, apple cider vinegar, which all are natural Probiotics for gut health.
  7. Oil of Oregano and other herbs and oils.

I am going to make you research them. You can discover what they do for your health, how to use it, cook with it…and it’s all natural.  Some sites that are good:    and/or just search the health benefits of each I listed.

The great thing about those items…is that most of them are in your kitchen right now, as they are in mine or you can buy them at a fraction of the cost for a prescription and a doctor bill.  PLEASE, PLEASE understand that I am not telling you to NOT SEE your doctor…but what I am saying is that you can question things, do natural things that can make your HEALTH greater for YOU!!

YOU DECIDE…I already did, I know what it does for me. I like how I feel. I don’t get sick and I am so much healthier because of my own decision!!

Later…                                John


I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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