Author: jjohns
I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

It’s not easy to leave behind what we know and travel into the unknown, but it’s a step we all must take at some point in our lives. When the time comes for us to cross our own ocean, to …

Baby Steps… Read More »

The next time you are forced to make a decision about which path to take, remember that Satan rules His World with Fear, while God rules His Universe with Love. A thought: “The Devil saw me with my head down …

Did You Know… Read More »

“A Spiritual Awakening means to open our eyes to the needs of others and to God’s goodness all around us. It means to rise up in defense of truth and in defense of the vulnerable. It means to clothe ourselves …

Hello…. Read More »

WHO needs a break?? Are you ready for a break? I know I am. There is only so much “bullshit” I can put up with. From the issues of Kbual to the so called COVID and right into our economy …

BREAK TIME! Read More »

     Close your eyes, relax your brain, and picture yourself in a thought process of doing something different today! I did that. I packed a quick suitcase of just what I needed with no thought in mind of what I …

SPUR of the moment stuff… Read More »

Close your eyes, relax your brain, and picture yourself entering the “Follow the Science Clinic” on Future Ave NW, Someplace, USA with double bronze statues of nothing less than two hungry Saber Tooth Tigers that look like they are on …

Hey Butt… Read More »

Cognitive in its best form  relates to “attention”, “response inhibition”, “information processing” , “cognitive flexibility and control”, “working memory” and “pattern recognition”. Lips in their best form relates to “full”, “thin”, “wide’,  “small”, “round” lips, and best if not least …

Cognitive Lips Read More »

Staying Calm And Centered in Today’s TIMES      I have gotten a number of comments asking how I prepare b4 I blog. People have asked how do I pick a blog to write on. I have been asked, how do …

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I like to spend time sitting back in my rocker, when time permits or I just take the time to do so. I usually have no socks on, I usually put one foot or the other and I rock in …

WHAT is SELF-CARE? Read More »

I feel like I have a mouth full of uncertainty all the time with this ever changing Pandemic, only to realize I was not alone, most everyone else is in the same rescue life boat…except the 4 people. who always …

CONTROL your Life NOW!!! Read More »