Author: jjohns
I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

“To sit in solitude, to think in solitude with only the music of the stream and the cedar to break the flow of silence, there lies the value of wilderness”  —John Muir I saw this quote and liked it. When …

Mediation Read More »

Flare up… I have been dealing with another Psoriasis flare up for the past few weeks and in the last few days my flare up has been centralized in my right elbow joint and arm, right leg. Major itching, major …

Psoriasis Read More »

Can You Believe This… Call me old fashioned, call me a dumb ass, but don’t call me late for a good meal!! LOL Now, I believe that research is great, its needed and all the above…BUT researchers in doing what they …

Side Effect of Tech Read More »

EATING HEALTHY is a major battle today. I woke up today eyes wide open, my mind at the start line of the drag strip of life, ready to turn and burn, my coffee cup in my left hand, my right …

The Battle Ground Read More »

Two questions that I am asking myself right now. “Why am I putting myself on the line”? “Why I am starting a new adventure with this healthful web site?” Listening to my body, I feel the stressful thoughts and feelings …

Am I Ready? Read More »

Hello and Welcome, Thanks for stopping in and visiting.  I promise you it will be revealing and a worthwhile visit for you. I am designing this site to be like an open book for the purpose of sharing my story, my …

BADASS Health Read More »