Belly Fitness

Kick Ass by Improving your Gut…

I was not sure how to write about my Gut Health and Immune System to identify the first steps I took to improve my gut brain. I say this because it took a lot of healing, trial and error, research on my part to keep a balance of good and bad bacteria in order to heal from the inside out, knock down the inflammation so I could heal.

Here is the scary part. Of the estimated 100 trillion cells in my body, only about 10 percent are human. The rest are bacteria—up to 5 pounds worth with most of them in my belly, amazing huh!!

I have been fighting Psoriasis. It has been on and off, mostly on for a while. For the most part at first I was attempting to eliminate those foods that I thought were keeping me unbalanced.  Sugar, corn syrup, processed foods, dairy, breads, gluten.

I had some success and gained a little, got cocky and added back foods. Guess what…flare up of the Psoriasis, back to starting. I also had the exposure to molds too that seemed to kick in my Psoriasis.

I really got attitude then, pissed off, why ME’s!! I felt that the holistic approach was full of shit, could not take it any more and got some antibiotics, creams, at a huge cost plus doctor bill. (One after the fact finding I have to share is that in my research I realized my gut health also had a huge affect on my overall attitude, WOW!!)

I got worse with the meds…WTF, flare up to 90% of my body!! I threw the damn meds away, went straight to a organic chicken bone broth with organic carrots with the advice of my professional holistic person. After a period of time I  was able to add in foods but still staying away from processed, sugars, etc.

I just kept using simple, effective cures of kicking ass on bad foods, I added the probiotic supplements, Omega 3’s, vitamin A & D and eat 3 teaspoons of Organic Virgin Coconut Oil a day, things I did not do before, and then I kept with the lifestyles changes, sticking with the good diet changes…I have gotten my “Gut Feelings in order” and it feels good again.

An interesting fact I found out through my Holistic person is that the antibiotics prescribed and took, and most all are that way, is that they tear down not only the good microbiome but also the bad in your gut. The meds only treat the symptoms of Psoriasis, not the inflammation on the inside. In hearing that, plus my research I understood much more why I was at the end of my rope….so to speak!!

I feel that my gut feelings, gut flora, gut health is on a good track to being healed. I know NOW that if I go backwards, if I drop my guard, get cocky and slide my diet back to old ways my body will say “hell no” and remind me!! I keep pretty clean.

Please remember, these are things that are working for me. You are different, you may be seeing a doctor, please continue, but ask questions ok…check things out.

You can also shoot me a question or comments on the Ask me a Question page. I will get back to you.             Thanks



I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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