Humans are complicated. I am complicated. You are complicated. Many things influence our health today. Those THINGS can have a significant impact on my health, your health…most of all, OUR digestion.

Where do I start? Here are a couple things for you…(1) Eat 52 meals of Crack in a Box (cereal) and see how your body reacts. (2)Drink 6/10 cans of pop/soda a day with those meals. (3) Of course, step on the scale first, b4 you do these things…then see how much weight you may have gained!!

If you do these things I will not say you are “stupid” but I surely will not say you are “smart”. What I will say is that cereal and pop/soda are 2 of the most popular items that influence our health and weight today.

I do not recommend, I repeat, I do not recommend you do those things!! Really…it is not healthy for you.

The Future is like Finding Your Balance in today’s bat-shit crazy fast paced world where FOOD becomes a coping, scarfing, exhausting and psyche way of trying to calm the the “things” that drive you nuts and drives each of us to the highway of FOOD for comfort. I want to change that as best as I can!!

In looking to the Future…I will be writing a couple of eBooks, to start. I am excited about it, it has been in my mind. I want to help people, through my sharing and journey of change, to make their own life changing experiences, using food as that catalyst for that change for better health. So, look for them, the books will be good!! I will market them, so you know!!

Am I an expert? HELL NO, but I do know what “happy” to be healthy feels like. I know what I went through, the battle, the failings and the verbal diarrhea i got from peers. I am not Vegan, I am not Paleo. I can eat dairy and sugar, some times. As you know I will not push my style of eating on you…what works for me may not work for another person.

ALL that I will do is “share” my stuff. My stuff is not about labels, not about diet ads, deprivation or extreme measures. YOU have to have the “guts” to make it fit YOU. I know what I was up against. I want to tell you that a positive HEALTH change is 100% within your reach.

The Future of change is on its way!!

Later…. John

Weight Loss…

When does one begin where? I will share my story. My mind was weak, my peers influenced my eating behavior, I kept getting fatter, love handles got bigger, man boobs and belly fat became a huge challenge…and I continued to put “weight loss” off till tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow!!

Soon…my tiny ass started looking chunky, my belly fat made my toes disappear and I could not bend at the waist to even touch my toes!! Now, emotions kicked in…I ate more, my discipline left the room. I shifted my “mindset” on how to lose weight, I just could not shift my weight (on my body) to my inner resolve and intentions…so pounds kept the layers growing.

I got pissed off…I watched others inhale food like breaths of air and not gain an ounce. I pushed aside that, “lack of activity” was the number one cause of weight gain even when I continued to “eat” like I had two stomachs or some dumb ass reason or not!!

That was my “story” and I will stick to it. FAST forward to today. I found a balance between lifestyle changes and exercise…it was a battle, a lack of discipline…my biggest battle was losing my “BELLY FAT” . It’s a fight that kicks my ass yet today, as belly fat is the last to go, it seems for me. A slow fight in which the score is 14 to 9, I am in the lead and will keep it!!

I got my “ASS” back, my jeans fall off my hips…no butt to hold them up, and my man boobs are gone, but I get reminded most days as I see other guys with them now!! NOT going back to that!! I changed how I ate, I got muscle mass back in my body…so through my trial and error I discovered lifestyle fixes that worked for me.

I excepted the fact, my age was a factor to my weight gain. I excepted the fact, my bad choices in exercise was a killer in fighting my weight. I now have a steady routine. I excepted the fact, that my hormonal shifts can contribute to my belly fat. I excepted the fact, that my food choices ruin anything I made gains on and I would have to start over again if I continued with those choices. I excepted the fact, that drinking pop like it was water was not only a bad choice, but also a high risk for fat around my heart and other organs. I stopped drinking it. I excepted the fact, my stress did not pass go…but went straight to my belly fat. I kicked ass on my stress, I control it now. I excepted the fact, that lack of sleep helped keep my belly fat at its prime. I now sleep 7.5 to 8 hours and see such a change, it works!!

These are the simple tips I followed for my healthy weight control, and other things I do. They work for me. I took control of the “power” to making these small but powerful, incredible overall health boosts for me. It did not happen overnight, but it did happen with time.

My discipline, my shift in mindset, my dropping the emotional control by others and myself, on how to lose weight…and excepting these simple tips gave me long-lasting results, a hard road…but worth it.

Will this work for you? Is it game on? That is the question you have to answer and take action with. I give you some tools, you have to pick up the “wrench” to fix where you are at…or just go with your dream of losing weight…stay fat, tired and in a state of misery. Choice!!

Later, John


       There are a few things in life that seem to be some of the best stuff that you just take for granted, I will cover one of them. I say that, cuz y’all been doing it your whole life, Draining the Swamp is one!!!

OK, now you think I am going ballistic on you with some political bull shit…I would not think of it because politics and religion can’t be argued, besides this is about my health, I think it is yours also. Man or woman, it makes no difference.

This morning about 5:30 one eye ball popped open, closed again, opened. My other eye, yes I have two…did about the same. Those are my first signs of life. In no certain order other hints of existence occur that tell me I have a body attached to my opened eye balls. I sleep naked. I like the sheets against my skin. I like the freedom of movement without bunched PJ’s I wake up to adjust in the night. I like the warmth in the space my body fills while I’m in bed…

The feeling of “warmth” when you first wake up I always take for granted. I like to lay for a few, let my body and senses take in the warmth, how it feels against my skin. I might curl up, I stretch, I wiggle my toes, I caress my skin, I rub my butt, I got “wood” that feels good. scratch my belly, rub my head, all the little things that help me to enjoy that last morning “warmth” before you throw back the covers, let 10 toes find the floor.

Drain the Swamp makes its present known. It does, during the ritual of waking up from the cozy warmth I was enjoying. It was not like “wham – bam” jump out of bed and go PEE…though some mornings that will come first as I run buck ass naked to the bathroom to open the valve to Drain the Swamp as I let it flow “naturally”  WHAT does “naturally” mean? 

Flow naturally?? Now you think I just lost it, everybody will “pee” naturally, not necessarily true. Everyone may pee, but there is some misconceptions on that…here are some quick observations you can do in a matter of seconds, it is part of your health you know!!

Instead of ignoring your pee, as most of us do and dashing back to bed, or resuming your morning routine…take this golden (no pun intended) opportunity to become familiar with your “normal”.  YOU should do this during the day also.

If you  notice changes in the way your pee looks or smells, the cause might be something, your pee changes color depending on what foods you eat, what medications and supplements you take, how much water you drink, how active you are, and of course the time of day.

YOUR PEE can reveal important information about your body’s waste elimination process, it gives you clues about your overall health status, so know what your “normal” is. It”s your health!!

BTW pee is 95% water and 5% urea (uric acid), minerals, salts, enzymes and other various stuff that would cause problems if allowed to accumulate in your body…NORMAL urine is clear and has a straw yellow color to it.  Y’all know that normal  morning pee is usually darker cuz you held it all night.

However you may look at your pee, it does give you some clues to possible potential problems that may be developing, giving you time to do something about it.  Go see a doc, if you don’t think it is not normal!!

Later…                                                                                                John

Good Morning…

Today is Sept 8, 2018. I opened my site for the first time, it seems, in ages. I had many, many comments on the various articles I have written. It really surprised me. I did not think I was getting that kind of exposure / being “checked” out, it was not like super mega 6,347 comments, but it was enough for me to kick myself in the ASS, grab my shorts, hike them up and start blogs’ again.

I can tell you that I did “beat myself” up, got scared of expanding what I write about. In today’s society of “you can’t offend people” or “tell them stuff bout health” and the best one “the quick fix super pill” I considered myself being out their in “deep” center field, so I said “bullshit” I was not going to blog anymore. I actually was going to let my site go “by-by”.

I still keep up my own health, read, research and all of those things. I just was not going to let that go, I come to far in my own health to fall back in the lifestyle changes I made. It feels to good to be healthy. I like it.

Anyway, I come across this quote:  “Good health and good sense are two of life’s greatest blessings.” It’s a quote from a Roman writer who died more than 2,000 years ago. I really have to say it is a good thing I pulled my shorts up because the quote slapped me on my ASS good…it was PROOF positive that some things in life never change…so READ that quote again!!

What’s the future…scary!! It seems like I am starting over. That is OK. BADASS Health is exactly what it says, BADASS!! I know that I will offend; piss off; your not right or how can I say that kind of stuff, and on and on about the possible neg’s of what I may write.  To bad, to sad…if you land here, you read and it offends you or something, then stay off the site, go buy a HUGE, SUPER LOADED “Heart Attack” CHEESEBURGER and fries with SUPER SIZE COKE and most of all, enjoy your health where you are at. “Thank you very much” because I will continue my own health lifestyles.

Appointment ?? What do I mean ?? No need to make an appointment with my site to read my blogs. Check back for my blogs, read and enjoy. I am independent, vocal, and write with my own style. I write about good health and good sense in making healthy lifestyle changes. By the way, the COST is cheap…ya gotta just read, how about that folks.

Thanks…Later                                                                                                                     John


I think of Yoga…my mind goes off into 1000 directions or so. I think of being twisted, turned, arms locked behind my head, arched sideways and then holding that position for 6 minutes and 42 seconds and I have to pee!!

From this “twisted” example I hope you got the idea that I have not been in a Yoga class. I will in the future, but then I realize my body at my age would have to be introduced by baby steps to Yoga. Makes sense, does to me.

How would I choose a Yoga class? I found out there are about a Zillion different styles of Yoga besides being a “beginner” to an “advanced” student (they call ya that). There is “Hot” Yoga to “Ashtanga” Yoga. So you see, class styles alone is something I would have to figure out.

What do I want from Yoga? To me it’s like choosing a “muscle” car or a “SUV” to drive…do I want to relax and mediate or go into the more powerful stuff like “spiritually” or “strength building of mind and body” or “lose weight” and “overall health”, again, I would have much to choose from.

I am finding out that I will have to compare and choose my first Yoga class to a “pedal trike”, like when I was a kid. I would have to learn the basics and grow into Yoga.

As a beginner I would not start out with video’s and try to learn. I would choose a Yoga class in which an instructor helps, guides and you can ask questions as you go through the class. The instructor would help me based on my physical ability or health issues so I get the most practical results from the class.

I would not expect to “get into” Yoga after a couple of classes, realizing full well it’s going to take a while to fully absorb and learn the practice. Of course, apply it to life as well. I know I will have to take it slow from a more gentler Yoga and advance as I get more comfortable and more knowledgeable.

My bottom line at first…I would want to learn how to relax and reach a point of inner calm, apply it to life as I learn. Getting started will be the hardest part, but once I learn the discipline…I will be pleased with the results.

Later…                                                       John


When I was about the age of a 3rd grader, I got smacked in the mouth with a pitchfork handle.

I would like to tell you I got in a fight with another kid, or I missed catching a baseball from my brother, or I smacked my mouth on my knee from jumping off a small building.

NO, on none of the above, I was batting a “basketball” with the pitchfork handle. Somehow, I hit it just right and it rebounded back into my mouth. Damage included hurt pride, busted lip, sore jaw, a bunch of blood and of course big tears, it hurt!!

Mom said “what  the hell were you doing?” as she dragged me into the house to clean me up, wipe the tears and send me back out to play…”SOMETHING else” other than batting with the pitchfork handle!! The following day, behind the barn I was back at it with my brothers (6 of us), lesson learned, FEAR overcome!!

HAVE NO FEAR in today’s world is still played in my backyard. Every chapter, every day of life, I continue to sharpen my skill and knowledge about my Health. I still persist, hone my confidence and learn to sort out the “crap”, the “hot-topics” that are consistently told us by some science study, or Food study by our Gov or Food Industry.

As I slide into 2018, I do so with a “skill set” and dedication to continue to follow through with my Healthy lifestyle, to blog, to research and to share with others.  It’s a thing I have learned without “FEAR” or rejection.

I laugh at the “It’s Old Age” smack talk. I will not hold back. I like who I am, what I do. I have overcome a lot since that “smack” in the mouth as a kid.

Health and Wellness is a gradual change that is worth learning to stay on top of and to follow. I have no doubt that I will continue to knock “FEAR” out of the park, so to speak!!

Later…                                                John

Stick to your New Year’s Resolutions

January is the BIG month, the starting line, the do or die time for resolutions for the New Year. Roughly, about 40% of all Americans will vow to make BIG changes or another about their lifestyle and health.

New Year’s resolutions usually fall under the following categories:

  • Weight loss
  • Finance
  • Career/ school
  • Personal development
  • Health and diet
  • Fitness
  • Stress management
  • Focusing on personal relationships

Fast forward 6 months more or less, 60% will have completely failed all their resolutions or just totally given up on them…like “What the Hell” am I doing this for. The excuse for “drop out” usually is “It makes no difference anyway”

You can point your finger at “ME” I was all about that for many of my earlier years. I had 4 or 5 resolutions. I was going to do this and that and one thing or another. Guess what? They all became like “FARTS” in the wind…they just disappeared, left no trace.

“Define your Motivation / Mindset / What moves you”

There are 2 types of motivation

Intrinsic – This means your motivation comes from inside. For example, you prefer jogging, going to the gym, or walking by yourself because you like how you feel afterwards. You got that time alone, the time you did something for you. It was your thinking time and it was peaceful yet productive. NICE huh!!

Extrinsic – You are pushed forward by actions outside your personal envelop. In other words, you prefer working out with your friends, and work harder when there is a reward system or a competition to lose weight in place for example.Once I really figured out what my motivation type was, all I did was “just do it” put myself in that situation that made me more excited to accomplish even more. I got that comfort zone going for me.

I tend to be more Intrinsic, in that, I like my along time, I find that I push myself even more. I get not only the feeling of doing it, but also talking it out with me. When I walk, for example, it gives me “think time” and before I know it, the walk is finished and it carries over to the other parts of my workout. I enjoy it.

“Actions equates to results”

Through my experience, the steps you take to reach that goal is the tricky part. If I wanted to stick to my resolutions, I had to break each step down into smaller goals, if possible, to make them more manageable. Trust also, I lost some resolutions, give up on them…some I stuck with. I realized it was easier to make goals that are “real” and easy to obtain in a time span. I made smaller ones. It was like a 1,2,3 set up when it was broken apart.

Each time I achieved one, I reward myself, felt proud of what I accomplished, moved to the next. My own positive reinforcement was crucial to help guide me as I pushed toward the next step, and the next, committing to my responsibilities. I beat High Blood Pressure by setting my steps in lifestyle changes…I did it.

Deciding on that goal for the New Year is difficult to do. By the time, you set resolutions you may have several of them and very possibly, you defeat yourself before you even start something.

I actually like both…I like to compete with my close friends, family to set a goal and put a value to it. It is fun when we all make our goals, then “high five” each and go on to the next. I like to do some of my goals alone, as I mentioned above.

I kept my actions SMART:

Specific. Having a specific “end result” prevented me from making excuses.

Measure it. My progress, gave my motivation a boost.

Achievable. I set goals as a building block to a bigger goal.

Relevant. Otherwise, if it’s not relevant, why bother?

Time-bomb. My goal needed to have a defined end date, it was important.

“Be Honest with yourself”


In the early years my mistake was not being realistic with my resolutions, thus I ended up not seeing them through. If your goal for the New Year is to exercise more, then start small.

I always had this vision of being this muscle bound, drop dead good looking sexy guy…and “BOOM” it never happened, like all of it didn’t happen. LOL!!

When I started setting goals in steps and working up Instead of planning a “BOOM” 5-day badass workout week, I went for the 20 / 30 minutes two / three days a week then increased gradually. It worked. I found that, as with all goals, as soon as I started seeing what I accomplished, I got more pumped to do even more. However, it was crucial that I stayed away from the “all-or-nothing” approach.

Doing something, even if it’s a small piece of what you originally planned, is much better and more productive than doing nothing at all. I saw my strength increase, muscle tone happened, belly got flat, better balance, great sex life, energy level was higher, I kept adding to my workouts. It all fell into a great balance and I have stayed with it. Now, it is “BOOM”, I work out for about one and half hours 4 days a week. It feels great and I look good too.

It is equally important, to not have too many resolutions up in the air at once. Make a list, prioritize them, and go from there. Once you feel the first one’s in the bag, go for the second, and so on. Focusing on one goal at a time will channel your energy and efforts, helping you reach your health target faster. You then have a lifestyle change that will stick with you…”BOOM” you did it!!!


I can never express enough, or kick your ASS in words, that developing and having a positive mindset is key when progressing towards your goals, but I will be honest as HELL also; almost every plan I started ended in failure, I was not careful. I beat myself up with my own “mindset”, bottom line.

My “BOOM” fell out many times. But, when I started looking at the big picture of my health and lifestyles, I got smart and anticipated these obstacles so that when they appeared, I was prepared and worked through them, one at a time.

For example, if you get bored when you exercise, change it up, routines, schedule, music, walk in the country, many things you can do that’ll get you revved up once you put your mind to it. If your motivation method is extrinsic, go to the gym with a friend. The idea is to nip it in the bud before it becomes stronger than your willpower so that you can beat down any obstacle that comes between you and your goal.

“Be accountable”

Accountability means YOU ARE taking responsibility for the choices YOU ARE making. This may seem easy to do at work when you have a deadline and a boss reinforcing it. It will not seem as easy when you’re home alone and skip out on cooking a healthy meal, and order take-out instead or sit on the couch with beer, chips and dip with a “Rover” vac robot bringing a can of beer to you every 20 minutes!!

My significant other helped me stay accountable. I helped her stay accountable also. I know that without her help I can honestly say it would have added years to my getting to where I am at today. Her help, helped me make that commitment to her for myself, and together WE helped each other. One of the very simple things we did was looking for new ways to eat clean, make our home-cooked meals special and new. Another thing we did together was do a kettle bell work out together and WALK out in the country, on different trails and hikes. So find a partner, get sexy together, make your “game” work.

Keeping your New Year’s resolution will seem scary at first. However, with these 5 steps, you can do anything you put your mind to. Moreover, once you accomplish your first resolution, you’ll find that it’s not only beneficial, it’s fun as well! I had a hard time for years, but now it’s like a walk in the Park…HELL NO!!! I still work at it. I have to keep my “GAME” up or I won’t have that “BOOM” in it…Good Luck. Kick ASS…

Later                                                 John


Good Health…

At 70 plus, I still have some very good years left on my body. I have worked hard so that I do not struggle with multiple medical conditions, which includes arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, hypertension, Alzheimer’s disease and even cancer. I also take “no meds”.

I did have high blood pressure. I worked through it with changing my lifestyle, my eating, dealing with stress. I keep more informed about good eating habits, health and I sort out the good research from the “hype” and “crap” that attempts to undermine the basics of good, simple health practices of eating clean. I stick to my lifestyle!!

I keep my good health in four (4) important ways. ONE, I get good sleep. 98% of the time I get my 8 hours of sleep in. As I have said before, I feel so refreshed and my body seems so full of energy for the new day. TWO, I work at and keep up my spirituality by reading the Bible. A great peace and joy.

THREE, I eat clean and close to the earth. It’s not a diet I follow but a lifestyle of changes I made to cut out processed foods, junk foods, pounds of sugar. I say “pounds” because people today eat more than 160 pounds of sugar a year on average…some more, some less. I think 160 pounds is a lot of damn sugar!! OMGosh!!

FOUR, I exercise, get off my ASS. I balance my training between weights, kettle bells, and walking. I follow and change up my routine 4 days a week. I walk 3 miles a day @ 6mph. (1.5 miles at start and the same at the end). I use weights for curls and bench. I do 10 to 1 (10 reps down to 1 rep)sets (2) with 60lbs/70lbs. I will change that up just to keep balance.

Kettle bells. I use a (52lb, new weight for me) a 40lb, a 35lb, a 25lb and do a variety of swings, 2 arm and 1 arm, clean and press, squats. I follow the same 10 to 1 reps and work on 2 sets. 2 other routines I do is the halo (10 to 1 also) and around the world. Most importantly, b4 I start my routines I do my warm ups, so important and prevents me from hurting my muscles at my age…recovery is so much longer.

I had a period of time I did less to none, on and off.  My physical conditioning fell fast. I found out that my joints at my age would ache more…then I would think that arthritis was setting in…I had first hand experience, but through research…I find out that as I aged (all of us) joints do hurt more, but now with keeping my muscles and strength up my joints do not ache because of the support it gives to my joints. I keep my weight in balance too, and that helps.

NOW you know what I do. I had to experiment with different exercises to find my balance for my body. I had to develop my comfort level with this too. I am older, my strength is different, I just had to find that comfort zone I liked.

What I do may not work for you. You are not me and I am not you. How I age will fit only me…I help it along, I look good, by the way I age with grace. I expect you to talk with your doc if you have not exercised for a while or if you are fighting some health issues, I do not want anyone getting hurt.

It does mean you have to abandon exercise, it just means you find your comfort level. These 4 things I do have balanced my life, my mindset, my lifestyle and I like what I have found.

I wanted to give more detail to you of what I do, how I make it work for me. If you go away with one thing…let it be that you can adapt your lifestyles to fit you…then just do it when you get your comfort level. Take Care…

Later                                                                              John


Happy New Year!!!

May the new year bring you better health, a stronger person in you, and most of all a peace, a joy and a love for life…

I look over the past few years and feel lucky, but mostly honored to know the people I do, the new folks who have come into my life…and I know it will be awesome to move into 2018.

As I get my beauty sleep through the passing of one year 2017 into the new year of 2018 I went to bed having already set goals and dreams for 2018. I like that.

Y’all take care of you, others in your lives, those that you love dearly…most of all, also take your health to the  next level, it is worth it…

I will keep writing in 2018…

Later                                                                     John



Hi…personally,I am on FB, not my site yet, some may know that, some may not. It surely does not take rocket science to find me. By chance if you do and of course feel the desire to Friend me…that will be a 70/30 chance it may not happen just cuz I do not know you…I’m easy, but not that easy!!

A week ago, or so while on FB, I read some article and shared it bout how people’s eating habits relates to cancer and that people can prevent cancers, keep it at bay, kill it…BUT…ya just have to change a lifestyle of eating, which means…

Instead of “strapping on” and “tying off” a FEED BAG to your head full of crappy processed food, still attach the FEED BAG, but be eating clean, close to the earth foods, it is a bit more than that, so do hope you get the point.

ONE friend, just had to step on that one nerve, you know the one, that one that makes ya go “Awwwwwwww” and mutter those little bitty words under your tongue that no one hears!!! You then confess to the Lord for forgiveness…you know what I mean.  That person said “sooo, that’s not true, no science backup, not approved by the GOV … when I see it, I might believe it. Besides, cancer research is on top of it”

Cancer research…a WHOLE other topic, not here, not now!! The person did not mention the studies, health research and such that was also a part of the article.

Presently, I did not respond back as this all has been an on-going (years) of lip bash’n from political, to footprints on the earth, to presidents, to creating differences with my health shares, just this time it was a real “pain” in my ass!!

It was actually nice, (after a few days) I do enjoy the lip service, BUT as I said, this one time, this one nerve “button” got pushed. Ya should have seen my tongue bounce up bounce down with each word I muttered.

Later                                                                          John