To sit in solitude, to think in solitude with only the music of the stream and the cedar to break the flow of silence, there lies the value of wilderness”  —John Muir

I saw this quote and liked it. When I am outside in nature walking, alone, and just taking in the silence it is a great mediation for me. I cherish the silence, being a part of nature…MOST of all I slow down and take in the beauty of my mindset of enjoying the present time. it really feels good.

One thing I also notice with this is that I breath differently. I’m more relaxed, yet the rush of the peace fills my inner self calming my whole body. Kinda cool.  I like that.

When I am home in the house alone. I have no TV, no radio, just the silence of my own home. I find the same, being in the present in my home. It also feels good. Life is good when I remember to take the time to enjoy being in the present time without the drama of the outside stress, pressures, jealousness that people get rapped up in.         Thanks.

Flare up…

I have been dealing with another Psoriasis flare up for the past few weeks and in the last few days my flare up has been centralized in my right elbow joint and arm, right leg. Major itching, major joint swelling in elbow and knee joint, very habilitating to say the least.

These past few days I believe I finally nailed the cause, Mycotoxins from mold.  Just a few weeks ago I helped my daughter re-roof an old garage in N Dakota…old, old shingles, dusty, moldy from years of exposure. WE put a tin roof over the top…so a lot of dust and all fell thru the roof. Much exposure to my skin, some breathed in, so it seems to link pretty closely…

As before with my Psoriasis I am treating it with clean eating and other holistic ways  in order to keep my “gut” healthy, it knocks down the inflammation from the inside out. Psoriasis is linked to Auto Immune Disease.

I am not a Doctor and please know I will not tell you to not see a doctor. What I will tell you is that through holistic professionals, being true to clean eating I have been successful in treating my Psoriasis.

My research has been very good. I have learned a lot more, and even how Mycotoxins link to the foods we eat and how they attack our body!! What knowledge, WOW!!

More than ever I also realize that many, many people suffer from Psoriasis. I will also check out the National Psoriasis Foundation to seek out more information.

Today…I again, have topped the mountain and I am on the down side of my Psoriasis, I have control of it instead of it controlling me. What a battle though!!    Thanks.

Can You Believe This…

Call me old fashioned, call me a dumb ass, but don’t call me late for a good meal!! LOL

Now, I believe that research is great, its needed and all the above…BUT researchers in doing what they do best…are trying to find out why people overeat. They want to develop a stress-eating smartphone app that will help “users” better understand why they overeat.

I am and would be the first to stand in line and tell you that the way I  dealt with STRESS was to go straight to that full bag of chips, a couple cans of Coke, a small box of health bars, then of course to a full meal at meal time. Pasta and Pizza were good relievers also…it worked wonders.

THEN I started to listen to what my body was saying, my head, I taught myself to back up, re-think, and deal with it…BUT most of all put the damn FORK down. I taught myself a “Mindset that my eating trigger was linked to the STRESS I experienced.

SO..I have to ask myself this. Will that new smartphone app actually get into my head, create some intelligence or mindset for me that links my STRESS to the reasons why I overeat or will the APP just wildly vibrate my phone that’s sitting next to my plate of food, thus drawing my attention away from my FOOD after I put 47 forkfuls of food in my mouth?

I believe TECH is wonderful and the progress in TECH is great, but I also believe that I can learn to identify when to put my own fork down, step back and say, “I understand now”.

I ask myself, why should I purchase this smartphone APP for tracking DATA in this APP that takes the same intelligence as it does to enter data as it does to recognize my triggers of overeating.   Thanks.

EATING HEALTHY is a major battle today.

I woke up today eyes wide open, my mind at the start line of the drag strip of life, ready to turn and burn, my coffee cup in my left hand, my right hand flying across the key board of my laptop…my “melon” is filled with my life experiences…so ready to share!!

I loved junk food! The breads, cereals, salty snacks and chips, ho-ho’s, pizza, beer, whoppers, meals in a box, Coke, Root Beer and M. Dew and of course deep fried anything, plus anything I did not mention, LOL!!

Guess what…everyone else around me was about the same, loving the junk food for what it was…FOOD for us. Life was good, right!!

YEARS later, my waistline was out to 46/47 inches and pushing,  I broke a sweat if I walked to fast, my heart rate rose 20 beats and I was at my “fighting” best at 260 pounds. I thought I was a mean machine! Ain’t that some “shit” now!

TODAY, things are much different. Waistline is 34 inches, heart beat is 60, I got energy, I sleep well, my fitness level is good and I attack “The Battle ground” with renewed vigor every day.

Why does eating healthy have to be a battle ground? A new University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill study has found that a full 61% of our food and beverage purchases are highly processed foods–most of which are refined.

TODAY…I still truly underestimate the impact these NEW foods can have on my health and how the “Food Industry” often markets these foods to be even more nutritious than they are.

My Battle Ground is my local grocery store. I go in with a mindset of how I like my health and I buy food that way. Do I slip up, you bet, junk still tastes good, but I pay the price for it too…in the way my body reacts to the junk I may have bought and of course ATE.

The grocery store I shop at is making changes, getting organic foods, non GMO and so forth. I see many people shop and making the change also to more organic, non GMO. Eating healthy is the new “trend” The Battle Ground is getting easier!!

Make a great day for yourself.  Most of all think about your mindset, your body, and how to actually like Eating Healthy. Thanks!!


Two questions that I am asking myself right now. “Why am I putting myself on the line”? “Why I am starting a new adventure with this healthful web site?”

Listening to my body, I feel the stressful thoughts and feelings that are attacking by sending a bunch of inflammatory and immune suppressing compounds into my body and mind that are telling me to run the other way…FEAR can be such a disease. I just got started and the fear is telling me to STOP!!

However, I also feel the pleasurable, exciting and relaxed feelings and moments of the new emotional connection that also attack and send a bunch of healing, growth and anti-inflammatory compounds that override that same FEAR.

Instead of letting that FEAR disconnect me from my dream I forced myself to continue reaching out to my family and friends by telling them of my progress and excitement. They shared the excitement with me and waited. When I launched my site my daughters told me “awesome dad”, “I love it” and liked what I did. Staying connected was my own self-care. The fear is still there, but it is not a controlling fear any longer.

I also answered my own “Why” questions this way…”Because I want to look better, be healthier, feel better and have more energy“. Sharing my health experiences, my ups and downs will help keep me focused on my own answer. It feels good!!

Hello and Welcome,

Thanks for stopping in and visiting.  I promise you it will be revealing and a worthwhile visit for you. I am designing this site to be like an open book for the purpose of sharing my story, my experiences, and of course a lot of information with you, plus giving you a chance to comment and share.

BADDASS Health is a simple, down to earth side of wellness that does not require you to be different, change your personality, or cost you wheel barrels of  money. However, it does require you to be strong, to be focused, and most of all be energized as a individual in new ways that can change your Health.

Grab Hold!! Hang on!! Take a hot plunge into the Secret World where “BADASS Health” is always challenged.

Thanks again.