Cognitive Lips

Cognitive in its best form  relates to “attention”, “response inhibition”, “information processing” , “cognitive flexibility and control”, “working memory” and “pattern recognition”.

Lips in their best form relates to “full”, “thin”, “wide’,  “small”, “round” lips, and best if not least is all the dumbass “words” that come thru the lips flawlessly as a person blabs forth their “expert” advice which converts to nothing less than a hungry Saber Tooth Tiger that’s on a kill and you and I are in its path!!      


I always question, Why do I have to be under this puppet or the sheep communism of today? Why do I have to see their way? Why can’t I do my own research? Why can’t I read what’s on the box of masks? Why doesn’t my common sense mean anything? Why can’t I breathe fresh air outside? Why do others want to alter my cognitive functions? Why do I have to be on the defense with this?


I turned around and faced the Saber Tooth Tiger, the swipe of its paw and the first bite killed me, sorry folks…end of blog!!!!

NO NO NO!!  What I did discover was that behind those “Read My Lips” attitude of those Tigers there really was not much “bite”. When I faced the Tiger and looked it in the eye, there was more fear in the Tiger than in me, because I was now in control of “ME”. It seems today, that society wants to control me, not the other way around!!!!!

My own common sense told me I can maintain my own health, not because of words from others that demand this or that. I can wash my own hands. I can eat clean food. My immune system is stronger because I backed the train up, put the snow plow on the front, down shifted and punched it baby!! Ya shoulda seen the “words” get out of the way!

I was called “being disrespectful of others” and other names, as I jumped off that “band wagon” and got my own health back. Soda or pop, cake, candy, cookies sugar, fast foods stayed in the garbage can, the sweet comfort food provided me nothing but more “cravings” for its emptiness of fake comfort.

My comfort was in my own strength of fighting back, asking the Why questions, challenging the “words” spoken and researching the natural world of healing and comfort.

I look forward to the day that WE ALL can find a way to use this misguided energy, tame that Saber Tooth Tiger for the good rather than in the attack mode, of others!

Health and wellness, can be maintained, can be achieved, when there is the spirit and peace of mind that flows from and thru my “lips”. Think about that, will ya ????

I do what is authentic for me. I respect others when I am respected. I listen to others when others also listen to me. I keep an open mind, an open heart, clean hands and I get fresh air!!

Besides, Cognitive ability is short circuited best when your “lips” are lip-locked into the second best thing they can do, “A Smile” It makes others wonder what you are up to!

I will blog my thoughts, beliefs and opinions. I am not a doctor or immunologist. I do know what and how to fight back for me. I know what I do that has been working to keep my immune system strong.

Sorry folks…but I feel that no magic pills, witches’ brew or some scientific intervention can cure what is already man-made.  I firmly believe that my best defense is natural and close to the earth. I take care of me the best I can and it works!!

My spiritually, my mindset, my food, my lips and my physical being work well together to make me who I am today. I am enough!! I fight back!!

Soooooo, is fear dominating my life??? NO  But, a good set of “hot lips” could make the difference between a great KISS and just a KISS….hmmmmmmm!!!

Word of the day:   Smile

Later:               John


I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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