

This is one of those topics that I am damned if I do and damned if I do not. This means that whatever I may write here can go either way. Folks are either over the hill with it or take it in stride.

I am 72 years old. I consider myself in pretty good health. I have a good immune system. I eat close to the earth, lots of veggies, fruit and eat pretty clean. No processed, breads, dairy and so forth. In saying that, I also realize that I could contract the Corona-virus.

My research revealed a statement from Mr, Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, he said, that about 4% of people who contract the Corona-virus die from it. To compare the mortality rate for SARS, it was closer to 9% or 10% and MER’s it was about 30% to 35%. I thought that comparison enlightening to a certain degree in that the mortality rate for Corona-virus seems less, at this point, as he stated.

I find a common thread of protection that has been around for decades. (1) wash your hands often with soap and water. (2) avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. (3) and of course avoid close contact with people who are sick.

I do those things alot. I think it is good advice and good practice. I usually do not get sick with the flu. I also am very proactive in keeping my immune system and support my respiratory system. I support my Lymphatic system. I consider BOTH to be like a “tree frog” and a “tree”. As a tree frog needs a tree to protect it, my immune and lymphatic systems are entwined and cannot function healthfully without each other.

Please know that I am not making light of the Corona-virus or any other flu that a person could contract. i just know that being proactive instead of stupid will help in giving a fighting chance against any bug,viruses and potentially bigger threats that exist. PLEASE, do not leave your doctor out of anything if you get sick, it is important. Thank you.

If i feel a tickle in my throat, or sniffle and or nothing at all, I always include these main foods in my food intake. (1) garlic. (2) Oregano, I take oregano oil in liquid form as drops on a regular basis. I feel it is very powerful in fighting stuff. (3) Thyme. (4) I also have a (equal amounts) mixture of Turmeric, ginger, garlic and black pepper I use as a sprinkle on my foods after it is dished up. (I will blog this later) This gives a great taste to my food and it is also as great FIGHTER in protecting my body.

Health wise I can put up a good fight against the flu, bugs, viruses, and (snickering) of course dumb ass people who always seem to know better. I remind myself daily, that eating donuts and ding-dongs or other CRAP does not help in my health in fighting disease. That is the way it works for me.

My advice, that besides washing your hands, or avoiding people who are sick, there is a bunch of immune-boosting remedies you can do to help the fight. I also believe that good sleep (8 hours) makes so much difference in keeping you healthy also.

Like I said, I will blog more. I walk the walk and I like to share that with others. Thank you.

Thought of the Day: Immune system health.

Later. John


I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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