Coronavirus, part 2


Today I have some non-sense takes on life in the virus lane. Again, I could be damned if I do this or damned if I do not. I do realize the serious side of things and most certainly have discovered some other side roads that happened, that shine brightly and give ya a head shake and smile as a reward!!

I am drinking the last cup of coffee from the first pot I have made today. I am crunching down Cinnamon Oat Granola. I have had an “EAR FULL” of most self-made experts, pencil neck pencil pushers who should have a stinky sock for a mouth plug, it would sound better!!

My nature is such that I have ventured out to several “big box” retailer’s who sell bulk products from the famous “TP” ass wipe to “I am a big boy now” pull up depends, diapers. Of course you have your bulk candies, granola bars and 40 pound bags of rice, and most certainly every thing else in-between. It is interesting watching people shop.

I also work “part time” as an exit person for a “big box” retailer. So, I have seen it all from folks just shopping for what they need and of course the “hoarder” who buys it all. It seems that for the hoarder, there is not to much planning, not much concern for budget, not much concern for others, and not much concern for health for that matter too.

I could write a book on the comments and my experience, I really could!! Two things come to light (1) first, a middle aged couple exited with 5 carts full of various products from donuts and ding-dongs to “crack in the box” cereal and many bags of chips. Meats consisted of hot dogs, hamburger patties. Healthy was not a choice, it seemed. (2) second, one dude come in for TP, did not find any, had a few items in his cart, laughing as he approached me for exit…then told me that he would eat less, that way he would not have to “shit” and wipe his ass. He was frustrated that people would hoard TP like that. I had to laugh with him on that one Then on the serious side of it, an a assisted living owner was concerned about finding enough to keep the folks he cared for with enough food and paper products. I did see him later in the week, I asked him how things were, he said it is working out, but it takes much more effort.

Slider awareness is my way of taking this all in on a day to day basis. I will slide into the next day with ease. I will drive to and shop in the small “mom and pop” stores as I need things. I can buy packages of 12 roll TP instead of the bulk package and only 1 or 2 at a time. I do not have to fight crowds of people who are rude, pushy and even steel from other’s carts when you are not looking. Stress level and “bitchy” are not the game. I like that. If needed, I could take paper towels and cut the roll in half or thirds and have TP, just saying. The other nice outcome of this is that I am supporting “local folks” in their business.

It really comes down to how I approach this. I realized for me it will be a change of shopping style, living, planning and how to budget as this “Corona-virus” has changed my lifestyle. I find that taking things for granted are not the same, people are not the same. I adjusted, I made changes promptly instead of feeling sorry because my way of doing things has changed. I keep it positive instead of looking for the “neg’s” in it.

As I tell myself, that besides washing my hands and avoiding people that are sick, I can still practice a shitload of immune-boosting and respiratory remedies to keep my body healthy and ME happy to make it through this corona-virus outbreak, and other viral outbreaks. This is real time stuff for me.

Thought for the day: Attitude can change outlooks.

Later. John


I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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