Food as a Playground??

GENE Editing…

CRISPR-Cas9) as it is called is, whether we like it or not, is here to stay. Every genetic lab across the country is already making use of it for laundry detergents, water treatment, and the development  of drought resistant and pest-resistant plants, and so much more…NOW ain’t that some shit!!!

Gene editing is very different from GMO modification. GMO transplants genes from one species into another. Gene editing is just making little TWEAKS to existing DNA.

Is gene-edited food safe? Is the Grand Canyon deep? Do all rivers flow South? Does the speed of light go around corners? Do you really care about Gene editing or not? Will gene-editing be used to tweak mankind in the future? Hmmmm!!!

Has a MONSTER been created? Or could this be HIGHLY valuable in many ways for our future? From what I read, no one knows for sure and no one can know for sure because it is too NEW…I will leave it at that for now…

I look at it this way…CLEAN Eating is the “soul” of consuming food the way Mother Nature delivered it, or as CLOSE to it as possible and ORGANIC.  For me, that means, ya don’t screw around with it by gene-editing, GMO, and Processed.

Right now today, for me, that means good healthy food and its not “mess’n” with good old Mother Nature. That is my lifestyle, it’s not a diet. It’s about me eating real food for a healthy, happy life.

That’s my Story and I’m stick’n to it!!!           Later…   John


I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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