Have No Fear…

When I was about the age of a 3rd grader, I got smacked in the mouth with a pitchfork handle.

I would like to tell you I got in a fight with another kid, or I missed catching a baseball from my brother, or I smacked my mouth on my knee from jumping off a small building.

NO, on none of the above, I was batting a “basketball” with the pitchfork handle. Somehow, I hit it just right and it rebounded back into my mouth. Damage included hurt pride, busted lip, sore jaw, a bunch of blood and of course big tears, it hurt!!

Mom said “what  the hell were you doing?” as she dragged me into the house to clean me up, wipe the tears and send me back out to play…”SOMETHING else” other than batting with the pitchfork handle!! The following day, behind the barn I was back at it with my brothers (6 of us), lesson learned, FEAR overcome!!

HAVE NO FEAR in today’s world is still played in my backyard. Every chapter, every day of life, I continue to sharpen my skill and knowledge about my Health. I still persist, hone my confidence and learn to sort out the “crap”, the “hot-topics” that are consistently told us by some science study, or Food study by our Gov or Food Industry.

As I slide into 2018, I do so with a “skill set” and dedication to continue to follow through with my Healthy lifestyle, to blog, to research and to share with others.  It’s a thing I have learned without “FEAR” or rejection.

I laugh at the “It’s Old Age” smack talk. I will not hold back. I like who I am, what I do. I have overcome a lot since that “smack” in the mouth as a kid.

Health and Wellness is a gradual change that is worth learning to stay on top of and to follow. I have no doubt that I will continue to knock “FEAR” out of the park, so to speak!!

Later…                                                John


I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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