Health Care is BROKEN…

Think about this…REALY think about THIS !!

“THIS” is just one aspect of many issues with our Health Care System in America, so just think this out.

I totally believe we need to make our “voice” louder and louder!! WE, you and I need to speak out and up that our hard earned “monthly premiums” should be spent where it benefits us the most – on exceptional self-care, great quality food, prevention of and curing disease as a start. What do you think?

I do not like Health Care, I call it “Disease Care”. Just look around, your neighbor, your co-workers, people shopping,  your friends and maybe even yourself. You and they purchase health insurance, “ahhhh, I’m covered now“…guess what?   This industry fools you into the thought(s) that you are covered for that “disease” or whatever you may go in for, that’s it!! Other than that, they really do not care, seriously they do not!!!

Guess what? that health care insurance becomes a crutch, an early death sentence…statistically speaking, many, many people, including myself, at the time, consciously or unconsciously (I took it for granted) put my health and wellness last because “insurance had it covered”.

The next thought, the “disease-care” system will always keep us sick and unhealthy. You get sick, a prescribed pill, you pop the pill…it covers up or suppresses the symptoms, then we no longer have to address the root cause / listen to what our body is screaming at us. Life goes on, if there are no further  symptoms or other health issues life is good and you keep popping that pill.   So…with me…

It was back to the daily business for me, continue living exactly as previous, I did not make diet or lifestyle changes…except keep popping that pill. I did it for 20 years, dealing with my high blood pressure and “pills”. For 20 years, my blood pressure changed very little, just not as high and even stayed the same much of the time also.

I started thinking, my health, my lifestyle, food, blood pressure…it took me 20 years to get “SMART”   LOL on this one…so, I made an appointment with my doctor to ask questions…WELL doc, “What the hell” What’s going on?” I asked, his answer was “to start, let’s increase the med your on” “this may help decrease your blood pressure” he said. Let’s give it 6 months and then you come in for a check up, you may have to go on a different medication. We can decide that then…

REALLY!!!    Now that I was “SMARTER”  LOL again, I said “Kiss my ass”  With or without your blessing I am done taking meds that don’t work. I will lower my pressure on my own.    You know what? It took about a couple of weeks of not taking meds and my pressure dropped lower than when I was taking meds.  Of course in this time I was making lifestyle changes, eating better, got off my ass and started walking and running (moving). It took some time, some hard work, mindset attitudes, back and forth setbacks…but…it was working. I DID IT!!! Not my doctor, not my heath insurance,  ME!!!

I got a different doctor, I dropped my health insurance, still had physicals, but also had a doctor who at least listened at the time and presently also, I still hold my ground, now I only see a doc for my physicals, and still do not take meds for anything. I do not have high blood pressure or other health issues except maybe of being STUBBORN as my kids say.  I firmly believe my health today is because of the changes I made in eating, lifestyle and my mindset of taking control of my own HEALTH and WELLNESS.

Think about THIS…really think about THIS.  I took control of my health and wellness that fit me. I am an individual, you are an individual. What can you do that will make that difference for you? to make it fit you?  Ask yourself that or accept where you are at!!

PLEASE…be aware of where and what your health is. You may not be able to do what I did, but you still can make changes that make a difference in your present healthiness, and then, certainly educate yourself.    Thank you.

Later                                                             John



I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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