
A Spiritual Awakening means to open our eyes to the needs of others and to God’s goodness all around us. It means to rise up in defense of truth and in defense of the vulnerable. It means to clothe ourselves in what the Apostle Paul called “the whole armor of God” – surrounding ourselves with truth, righteousness, peace, faith and the Word of God. Such spiritual preparation doesn’t make our troubles go away, any more than armor ends a war – though it does help us to stand strong, no matter what. It gives us hope, perspective and peace during tumultuous times.

I have this on my frig. I don’t look at it every day, but I do often. I find myself stepping over to it and reading it. I am not a “holy rolling hot dog” BUT….more and more I turn to the good Lord for my inner peace and strength with all the stress that flies at me from the world both far and near….as the issues do not disappear. In the news, on TV, newspapers, so many people around me are still there, pumping their narrative, the next person does the same, only a different twist, then the next the same. So it goes on and on non-stop.

It seems though that my inner strength helps deal with this stuff. Sometimes I do not. That is when I turn and ask Jesus to help me and that I trust You. It’s not that I am weak….I need that “whole armor of God”. Sometimes, I eat a whole “wheel barrel” of food…I turn from a good looking frog to a FAT TOAD, it seems!! That becomes a whole different trip….when ya gotta sit on the pot more often!!

If you go back to my other blog’s I may be writing a little different, but things are different today too. No excuses, just the way it is. At first, this will take me a blog or two to get back into the swing of things. It truly has been in my melon for a bit, today I am doing something about it.

Make good choices ok!! It’s easier to do so. John


I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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