Hey Butt…

Close your eyes, relax your brain, and picture yourself entering the “Follow the Science Clinic” on Future Ave NW, Someplace, USA with double bronze statues of nothing less than two hungry Saber Tooth Tigers that look like they are on a kill and you and I are in its path as you enter the Clinic!!      


I always question my readings, the research I do. Someway, somehow I feel I better blog about the new Covid19 health idea out there. Why??

Now to expand the clinic scene above, my story unfolds. With the new mandate, signed in by Executive Order # 1,456 and as a good Citizen, I go to the Clinic mentioned above. Going up the sidewalk to the Clinic, my instinctive (run away) first clue should have been the 2 bronze statues of Tigers by the front door.

My second instinctive (run away) clue should have been the 2 armed guards standing on each side of the entry on the inside when I got inside. I looked around for a place to sit, as others were at the Clinic too.

The place had plush chairs, pretty colors, calming pics on the walls. But, my back hairs of my neck were still standing up, my gut feelings were stirring. I checked in and sat down, waiting for my name to be called. Then it happened! An older nurse come out the only red door, had on black clinic safety gloves, holding a 13 inch huge swab in her left hand, in a harsh voice said “Hey Butt Hole” your next! That was not my name, so I sat there! Then in a harsher voice, I heard it again…, one of the guards started approaching me, I knew I was next….

What next????

I must tell you now, this story is NOT TRUE, NOT TRUE, my imagination can run wild so I did tell the story above with a smile on me face. It deserves a good laugh, I think anyway!

What I will tell you, and you may have already heard is that there is an actual new anal swab test for Covid19 being researched in Beijing, China. It, is said, to be a more accurate method for detecting the Covid19 virus because Covid19 survives longer in your butt hole. Gross huh!!!

While the anal tests are supposed to only be reserved for ‘high-risk’ cases, they have also been used on travelers, people in quarantine centers, teachers and children, go figure, HUH!!

It is noted, that the test should only be used as an “aid” in diagnosis and not be relied upon by itself. Diagnosis must also include the observation of clinical symptoms. So, to get a diagnosis of COVID-19, you most likely now need two positive tests if symptoms are absent, and a doctor’s judgment-call on whether symptoms appear consistent with a diagnosis of COVID-19.

It is also noted and unknown whether an anal swab may prove to be any different in detecting the virus, but it is very unlikely that most people will (not) willingly submit to an anal swab over a nasal or throat test. I can tell you right now, I would not and I do not!!

Further, it is also noted, in my research, many folks are now questioning whether the test was, rolled out on purpose in an effort to add another level of enslavement and tyranny. Who knows any more, right! We hear one thing one day and something different the next week. It does make me laugh, I hope it does you too.

When I found this new stuff, I really had a good laugh about it. My mind went wild, I honestly had that vision in the clinic. I twirled my bare ass butt around, stuck it up to be stuck up with a 13 inch swab and waddled like a penguin out of the Follow the Science Clinic, laughing all the way!!

It is not that I do not believe in science or research, but I also know that my health is not dependent on nothing more than eating right. My food is my medicine and my medicine is my food. It has been true to me so far, that is many years now. I have a very positive ATTITUDE about health and it holds up too!!

I am not telling you to do things one way or another way, as I am not a doctor. I share not only what works for me but also new health information. It is fun sharing some things in a humorous way. Anyway!!

Will it work for you; it will depend on you as the person you are. My lifestyle is mine, not yours. You have to find what works for you and believe in it.

Thought:     Take the time to believe and trust in YOU, thanks!!

Later:          John


I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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