How to age with Grace!!

Good Health…

At 70 plus, I still have some very good years left on my body. I have worked hard so that I do not struggle with multiple medical conditions, which includes arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, hypertension, Alzheimer’s disease and even cancer. I also take “no meds”.

I did have high blood pressure. I worked through it with changing my lifestyle, my eating, dealing with stress. I keep more informed about good eating habits, health and I sort out the good research from the “hype” and “crap” that attempts to undermine the basics of good, simple health practices of eating clean. I stick to my lifestyle!!

I keep my good health in four (4) important ways. ONE, I get good sleep. 98% of the time I get my 8 hours of sleep in. As I have said before, I feel so refreshed and my body seems so full of energy for the new day. TWO, I work at and keep up my spirituality by reading the Bible. A great peace and joy.

THREE, I eat clean and close to the earth. It’s not a diet I follow but a lifestyle of changes I made to cut out processed foods, junk foods, pounds of sugar. I say “pounds” because people today eat more than 160 pounds of sugar a year on average…some more, some less. I think 160 pounds is a lot of damn sugar!! OMGosh!!

FOUR, I exercise, get off my ASS. I balance my training between weights, kettle bells, and walking. I follow and change up my routine 4 days a week. I walk 3 miles a day @ 6mph. (1.5 miles at start and the same at the end). I use weights for curls and bench. I do 10 to 1 (10 reps down to 1 rep)sets (2) with 60lbs/70lbs. I will change that up just to keep balance.

Kettle bells. I use a (52lb, new weight for me) a 40lb, a 35lb, a 25lb and do a variety of swings, 2 arm and 1 arm, clean and press, squats. I follow the same 10 to 1 reps and work on 2 sets. 2 other routines I do is the halo (10 to 1 also) and around the world. Most importantly, b4 I start my routines I do my warm ups, so important and prevents me from hurting my muscles at my age…recovery is so much longer.

I had a period of time I did less to none, on and off.  My physical conditioning fell fast. I found out that my joints at my age would ache more…then I would think that arthritis was setting in…I had first hand experience, but through research…I find out that as I aged (all of us) joints do hurt more, but now with keeping my muscles and strength up my joints do not ache because of the support it gives to my joints. I keep my weight in balance too, and that helps.

NOW you know what I do. I had to experiment with different exercises to find my balance for my body. I had to develop my comfort level with this too. I am older, my strength is different, I just had to find that comfort zone I liked.

What I do may not work for you. You are not me and I am not you. How I age will fit only me…I help it along, I look good, by the way I age with grace. I expect you to talk with your doc if you have not exercised for a while or if you are fighting some health issues, I do not want anyone getting hurt.

It does mean you have to abandon exercise, it just means you find your comfort level. These 4 things I do have balanced my life, my mindset, my lifestyle and I like what I have found.

I wanted to give more detail to you of what I do, how I make it work for me. If you go away with one thing…let it be that you can adapt your lifestyles to fit you…then just do it when you get your comfort level. Take Care…

Later                                                                              John



I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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