Journaling For Health…


What the hell does writing have to do with FOOD and how I eat?  Am I crazy to put this out there?  What do I do?  Eat the paper and suck the ink out of the pen and walk around with a blue tongue for a bit!!

HEY…It’s  art with a pen on paper or a  cursor on a computer screen.  I can remember my mom writing on a daily basis, pen in hand to jot down the best part of her day on those little daily squares on a calendar, each day, each month, year after year.  It was my mom’s way of bringing some order to her life, a relief for her, her notebook of life.

Often I pull out a calendar and  read the stuff she wrote. WOW!! At times tears flow with the memory, or I close my eyes and it was just like yesterday I saw her pull the calendar from the wall and jot down her thoughts, then hang it back up.  She always told me to write a book on what she wrote…I still want to do that before it’s to late!!

I realize my blogs are not just me kicking out a bunch of stuff for people to read about health…it REALLY is my way of keeping grounded in my experience, my lifestyles and my passion to keep on top of my game of “health”.

The blogs I do are like my best friends.  I can look back and re-read my own reality check on me. I feel close and face to face with my own truths about eating, about food and my own challenges that are thrown at me from friends and people who think it’s a losing battle with the FOOD we eat, health and illness and even getting old.

Bullshit I say!!  Getting old happens…but our health we can do something about, it’s that simple.

Watching the cursor or feeling my pen, write my words across the screen or on paper is soothing, meditative and  very much creative for me…like throwing a  recipe together from scratch and it’s GOOD.  I eat it (my cooking),  I like it.  I like what I write also.

The energy is good fresh medicine that flows from me to my writing / blogs, to the FOOD I cook and to the “health” I experience…a positive good energy.

This positive energy is the Primary FOOD I give myself.  That energy flows to the Secondary FOOD that I actually eat.  Remember me saying that I eat to live, not live to eat…my way of keeping that circle of positive energy flowing in my life.  I like it very much!!

I fully understand now why my mom wrote each day in that little square on the calendar. “Thanks mom”…a great lesson of life!!  MOM was a great cook too.  Us kids were raised on a farm, fresh eggs, fresh milk. butchered our own meat to eat and garden fresh veggies.  We ate pretty close to the  earth then, not like today!!

Write on I say!!  It’s my health!!  It’s my life!!

The best part, I get to share this through my blog.  I like that.

Later…                                         John



I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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