Weight Loss…

When does one begin where? I will share my story. My mind was weak, my peers influenced my eating behavior, I kept getting fatter, love handles got bigger, man boobs and belly fat became a huge challenge…and I continued to put “weight loss” off till tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow!!

Soon…my tiny ass started looking chunky, my belly fat made my toes disappear and I could not bend at the waist to even touch my toes!! Now, emotions kicked in…I ate more, my discipline left the room. I shifted my “mindset” on how to lose weight, I just could not shift my weight (on my body) to my inner resolve and intentions…so pounds kept the layers growing.

I got pissed off…I watched others inhale food like breaths of air and not gain an ounce. I pushed aside that, “lack of activity” was the number one cause of weight gain even when I continued to “eat” like I had two stomachs or some dumb ass reason or not!!

That was my “story” and I will stick to it. FAST forward to today. I found a balance between lifestyle changes and exercise…it was a battle, a lack of discipline…my biggest battle was losing my “BELLY FAT” . It’s a fight that kicks my ass yet today, as belly fat is the last to go, it seems for me. A slow fight in which the score is 14 to 9, I am in the lead and will keep it!!

I got my “ASS” back, my jeans fall off my hips…no butt to hold them up, and my man boobs are gone, but I get reminded most days as I see other guys with them now!! NOT going back to that!! I changed how I ate, I got muscle mass back in my body…so through my trial and error I discovered lifestyle fixes that worked for me.

I excepted the fact, my age was a factor to my weight gain. I excepted the fact, my bad choices in exercise was a killer in fighting my weight. I now have a steady routine. I excepted the fact, that my hormonal shifts can contribute to my belly fat. I excepted the fact, that my food choices ruin anything I made gains on and I would have to start over again if I continued with those choices. I excepted the fact, that drinking pop like it was water was not only a bad choice, but also a high risk for fat around my heart and other organs. I stopped drinking it. I excepted the fact, my stress did not pass go…but went straight to my belly fat. I kicked ass on my stress, I control it now. I excepted the fact, that lack of sleep helped keep my belly fat at its prime. I now sleep 7.5 to 8 hours and see such a change, it works!!

These are the simple tips I followed for my healthy weight control, and other things I do. They work for me. I took control of the “power” to making these small but powerful, incredible overall health boosts for me. It did not happen overnight, but it did happen with time.

My discipline, my shift in mindset, my dropping the emotional control by others and myself, on how to lose weight…and excepting these simple tips gave me long-lasting results, a hard road…but worth it.

Will this work for you? Is it game on? That is the question you have to answer and take action with. I give you some tools, you have to pick up the “wrench” to fix where you are at…or just go with your dream of losing weight…stay fat, tired and in a state of misery. Choice!!

Later, John


I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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