LOVE the SEX!!

Does most everyone like Good Hot SEX??

Get ready for WAR then…WHAT!! Yes, get ready for war.  If you do not like the way your HEALTH is going, you are the only person who can change it. Have a meeting with YOU, make the words you speak, the future…instead of just being unwise and witless in your day to day complaining of how you feel…go to WAR!!     I did and won!!

So, where does the sex come in you ask?  Further into the blog I will tell you, but first I need to tell you what the greatest WAR was I started.  My biggest fight was with ME and the excuses I created:

My Top Three:

  1. I was to busy to take the time.
  2. My Free Will.
  3. My Prudence.

I was just to busy with LIFE…work, kids, my boss was cranky and demanding, traffic stressed me out, where did I put my shoes, walk the dog, pick up dog crap every day…HONEY, it’s your turn today, not happening she said, and of course about 5000 other excuses each day of the why not.

I thought I had free will…NO!!  that Snicker bar did not change me back to Superman, but the SUGAR kept me hooked.  Mid-day donuts for snack with a can of Coke will hold me till LUNCH!! Not happening either…sugar and carbs took that away.

I’m hungry now, 2 cheeseburgers on the way home will hold me till I eat dinner. I get a call…damn, I have to stop and get groceries NOW.  Ahhhhhh, just a small bag of chips, yummy to eat on the way home too.  The sugar, empty carbs, processed foods and salt, FREE WILL…HELL NO, I was addicted by all the wicked stuff, empty calories, poor nutrition.  My body was always hungry and CRAVED the sweetness  and taste of a losing battle with processed foods, the other WAR I faced against my HEALTH, one bit at a time…

Prudence…I made poor judgments, meaningless choices.  I was witless and unwise.  I lived to eat, ate more too!!  Stress of a busy life became triggers for me to eat.  I was comfortable with food.  THEN, what the hell…I was gaining weight, I puffed out in my face, felt bloated all the time.  Damn it, I had to buy 46 inch jeans and it was harder to hold my gut in, I was getting bigger around than I was tall!!!  Walking a little or playing with the kids got me winded.

When I started getting dizzy, light headed and headaches I went to the Doc.  I had high, high blood pressure, the scale topped at 261 pounds with a gut to prove it.  I felt that I was not far off from a “heart attack” and a tombstone marker that read…”At Least John Ate Good”…

Good Hot Sex!!  I got my health back, one step at a time.  I was prudent (good choices) in my lifestyle of how I ate.  I reversed my health issues by the lifestyle choices and changers I  made.

Good Hot Sex!!  I lost weight on purpose, my couch was not home base any longer, on purpose.  I was active on purpose.  My blood pressure dropped and my pills were discontinued (by the Doc).  I got better sleep on purpose.  I have good blood work again on purpose.  I regained my energy and regained my sex drive on purpose, NATURALLY!!  Instead of living to eat…I was eating to live, I had my FREE WILL back on purpose.

Have you figured out yet what Good Hot SEX is ??

I will say it this way.  I could have continued being witless and unwise, accepting where my life was, with poor health, where it was going.  The getting older, health shifting to poorer, then bad.  The Poly Pharmaceutical stage of more pills from the Doc…

I wacked myself with a clean 2X4 of life…instead of taking off 10 years of life by continued eating the processed foods, high sugar intake, I reversed it and added 10 years of life…

I wanted the Good Hot SEX of life again!!  I got it back.  I am living again with good health, FREE WILL and on PURPOSE!!  I like that.

Later…                            John


I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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