Roaring 20’s

The year 2020. I look past, I look forward. I see the next decade rolling in without a hitch. I do not see any dog and pony acts. I see young and old fat people riding carts in Wall Mart or a mall, I see super skinny people walking super fast in the same places. I see change in attitudes about health. I see labels on products going overboard about healthy this and that. Is that what the 20’s is going to be about?

I wonder if someone is trying to work on their personal goal of health…then I really wonder if they are going about it all wrong. THEN, what I see, I un-see it!!

I wonder if it is like a MOM trying to lose 150 lbs by going to kick boxing class. I wonder if it is DAD trying to lose 100 lbs by joining a softball team. I wonder if our senior folks are just giving up on a losing battle of life and saying “oh well”.

These are not “wonders” in a judgmental way, but “observations” as I go about my life of shopping, part time work, social stuff and conversations in noisy bars, or as I wait in line at the grocery store. Talk happens, shit happens, promises are made to self…and in it all, I saw myself, then the “WONDER” really slapped me in the ASS!!

BINGO…I thought and found myself proud of where I was at, but only fooling myself in that I was not the people I see, I thought I was above that…LOL!! What a dumb ass, I fooled myself, looked at myself, saw a bike’s FAT TIRE around my belly developing. I saw more “rocker” time being the life norm in my retirement. My lifestyle habits were sliding past normal for me into the world of being influenced by labels of “good processed health”, LMAO on this too!! You know what’s interesting? I spent parts of 2018, 2019 with a “hit and miss” on a portion of my health. I saw weight gains, eating styles and exercise habits change. I realized what I was doing, BUT, did nothing to really change back. I got in that attitude, thought I was still OK…it was like diving into the water and losing your “swim suit”. I lost my game on, I was naked!!

“GAME ON” Mid year 2019 my life around me changed. My sister got cancer, I moved to help take care of her alone with other family. She had major cancer and then major surgery…came through it, recovered and back to work after 5 weeks!!. Through the time of chemo and recovery I found a part time job, 32 hours a week.

Often, in lessons learned, I will tell you it’s like getting slapped on the ass…BUT this time, it was a major slap on the face. My sister in her cancer, her fighting for life and winning that fight, then going back to work… In that,I found “ME” taking care of me also. I knew I had to get back to WHERE I was at…that is what I am doing now, Not only do I love my sister, I also thank my sister for teaching me to “fight” for my health again, TO WIN!! I May slip again, but I also feel a much deeper strength in what I am doing. My game is on. I am lucky that the road back is not to long, I will not only be healthy, but also look good naked for an “old fart”…”GAME ON”

Thanks Sister, Love ya!!

Later. John


I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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