
Self Sabotage…

Some times when a weekend comes, it can be very dangerous…or any time for that matter.  My neighbor’s had planned some stuff, HOBO’s over the fire pit, wine and sweets, for a get together.

I left the house with good intentions…once there, I saw it coming, good food, major SWEETS platter, beer, wine, good friends, guys drinkin beer, gal’s drinkin wine, food over the fire pit.

I sabotaged myself…a couple of beers, I did keep my water glass full and drank it, eat a couple treats from the sweets platter and of course I did well with my own food over the fire pit. All in all it was not as bad as it could have been…BUT

I did feel bloated, full, half snap’d from beer and wine, and of course I felt GUILT from eating the sugar sweets, and even some of the extra food brought in. My mind kicked in, “Johnston” you dumb shit, way to set yourself back into old habits…”it tasted good” I said to myself. I even answered “YES IT DID”.

What a challenge to my own mindset game I could have fallen TRAP to. I know what could have happened, I know also, that my lifestyle feels so good that I would not slip back into my old ways. HEALTHY FOOD is MEDICINE for my body. I know how bad choices had affected my health.

I have made such good changes and know what feels good, how it feels to eat clean, to avoid processed foods.  My lifestyle changes also changed my mindset and I liked that.  A neighbor hood get together is ok, a one time event like this is not going to reverse things…it was easy to stay in the lifestyles I had made.

The emotional growth, the confidence I have is my “self-check” to keep the new ME and I like that. My inventory of self is such:

  1.  Keep the new lifestyle: eat clean, fruits, veggies, avoid fast foods, processed foods, dairy free, no pop or soda drinks, and so forth.
  2. Make changes:  I always look for ways to stay challenged and change myself and my lifestyle.
  3. Keep learning:  I read about healthy ways, make changes, even if they are small ones to add to what I already do.
  4. Examine my past:  I always look back and understand those triggers that made me eat bad, or health issues that started showing up in my life, which are changed NOW.
  5. Look to the future:  I keep goals set for my health gains, maintain weight, illness prevention and fight cancer. Keep an active lifestyle.
  6. Accept myself:  I like the new me…keep the old me out!! I will please me, not others. Most of all I want my health to be an example to others.

I like staying healthy, it feels good. it requires me to care about “me” from my mind to my toes, from inside to outside. I like to be in tune and listen to what my body is telling me.  The message I get is HEALTHY food is my first choice, it’s my drug and it feels good. I eat to live, NOT live to eat…like I used to.

SABOTAGE by an occasional get together can be a challenge if I would let it, I remember how it was when I first made lifestyle changes. I kept telling myself, NO Johnston, follow the norm of others, health is overrated and every other excuse…NOW, after the lifestyle changes, I DO NOT want to go back, good health is not overrated, it is a necessity of a good life and a “feel good” attitude, I like that a lot!!

Later…                      John


I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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