Side Effect of Tech

Can You Believe This…

Call me old fashioned, call me a dumb ass, but don’t call me late for a good meal!! LOL

Now, I believe that research is great, its needed and all the above…BUT researchers in doing what they do best…are trying to find out why people overeat. They want to develop a stress-eating smartphone app that will help “users” better understand why they overeat.

I am and would be the first to stand in line and tell you that the way I  dealt with STRESS was to go straight to that full bag of chips, a couple cans of Coke, a small box of health bars, then of course to a full meal at meal time. Pasta and Pizza were good relievers also…it worked wonders.

THEN I started to listen to what my body was saying, my head, I taught myself to back up, re-think, and deal with it…BUT most of all put the damn FORK down. I taught myself a “Mindset that my eating trigger was linked to the STRESS I experienced.

SO..I have to ask myself this. Will that new smartphone app actually get into my head, create some intelligence or mindset for me that links my STRESS to the reasons why I overeat or will the APP just wildly vibrate my phone that’s sitting next to my plate of food, thus drawing my attention away from my FOOD after I put 47 forkfuls of food in my mouth?

I believe TECH is wonderful and the progress in TECH is great, but I also believe that I can learn to identify when to put my own fork down, step back and say, “I understand now”.

I ask myself, why should I purchase this smartphone APP for tracking DATA in this APP that takes the same intelligence as it does to enter data as it does to recognize my triggers of overeating.   Thanks.


I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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