SPUR of the moment stuff…

     Close your eyes, relax your brain, and picture yourself in a thought process of doing something different today! I did that. I packed a quick suitcase of just what I needed with no thought in mind of what I would be doing.

A toothbrush, toothpaste, a couple pairs of socks, a T-shirt or 2, extra pair of jeans and my jacket, nothing fancy. I entered the “Time Zone” of me brain. I threw my suitcase in the back of my Mini Cooper and I was traveling somewhere.

I had no plan in mind, gave it little thought, but was excited, as I kinda knew where I was going. As I motored down the road, I called my girls and told them I was headed their way.

They asked me, what’s going on dad? I told them “nothing” just coming down to visit and wash my car! They laughed, and of course, were excited at the same because I was coming down. After 19 hours of driving, I was in New Mexico at their place. My girls live about 5 miles, at best, of each other, so it is easy to visit with them.

As I travel, I mostly take back roads to where I go. This time was no different. I get to miss the hustle and bustle of busy traffic, the horns, pissed off people who are in a hurry to get somewhere, the Highway Patrol officer who stops speeders. Traveling back roads is very peaceful.

I saw a beautiful sunset and a beautiful sunrise which reminded me of home, where I live. The states I traveled through were beautiful; the open country of rural America, the small towns, the people in these towns seemed more relaxed in their small town life. The cows, cattle, horses in the pastures, even the relaxed wildlife of deer in the distance. There was no hurry, but I made good time in my spur of the moment travel to see my girls and grandkids.

I needed this kind of healthy (trip) to remind me that my life is about the balance of things that is needed to keep my brain healthy; keep my mindset from slipping into some of the neg’s of life that tug at my shirt-tails to pull me down in my thinking. Family helps me keep my balance. It is good. OH YES, I forget to mention that coffee helps me tooooo!!  Haha!

Interesting enough, I look out the window of my daughter’s house and see the busy traffic in the distance. I also see the mountains in the distance, which does refresh my inner peace of smelling the roses. I will go and meet her about noon today, have lunch with her and head back to her place. My other daughter I will meet her for coffee later this week for my time with her also. We have planned a few things to do together, to share good times and catch up. It is good.

One day, later in the week, I will pack my things, jump in the Mini Cooper and head back North again. Next week, I will go back to work at my part time job. I am glad I took this trip, un-planned at a moment’s notice. It was good.

Thought for the day:     A moment’s notice!

God Bless!         John


I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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