THE Future…

Humans are complicated. I am complicated. You are complicated. Many things influence our health today. Those THINGS can have a significant impact on my health, your health…most of all, OUR digestion.

Where do I start? Here are a couple things for you…(1) Eat 52 meals of Crack in a Box (cereal) and see how your body reacts. (2)Drink 6/10 cans of pop/soda a day with those meals. (3) Of course, step on the scale first, b4 you do these things…then see how much weight you may have gained!!

If you do these things I will not say you are “stupid” but I surely will not say you are “smart”. What I will say is that cereal and pop/soda are 2 of the most popular items that influence our health and weight today.

I do not recommend, I repeat, I do not recommend you do those things!! Really…it is not healthy for you.

The Future is like Finding Your Balance in today’s bat-shit crazy fast paced world where FOOD becomes a coping, scarfing, exhausting and psyche way of trying to calm the the “things” that drive you nuts and drives each of us to the highway of FOOD for comfort. I want to change that as best as I can!!

In looking to the Future…I will be writing a couple of eBooks, to start. I am excited about it, it has been in my mind. I want to help people, through my sharing and journey of change, to make their own life changing experiences, using food as that catalyst for that change for better health. So, look for them, the books will be good!! I will market them, so you know!!

Am I an expert? HELL NO, but I do know what “happy” to be healthy feels like. I know what I went through, the battle, the failings and the verbal diarrhea i got from peers. I am not Vegan, I am not Paleo. I can eat dairy and sugar, some times. As you know I will not push my style of eating on you…what works for me may not work for another person.

ALL that I will do is “share” my stuff. My stuff is not about labels, not about diet ads, deprivation or extreme measures. YOU have to have the “guts” to make it fit YOU. I know what I was up against. I want to tell you that a positive HEALTH change is 100% within your reach.

The Future of change is on its way!!

Later…. John


I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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