To Lose Weight

Something to think about…

Some of the “buzz” stuff I have read about lately in the fight against or for weight loss, however you want to put, is using weight-loss supplements. It’s like a trendy thing and it comes with all the hype that is associated with it also. These supplements are hyped up as practically the “cure” for weight problems. These supplements are supposed to act as, or supposedly suppress your appetite.

I guess if these supplements are so great, why are there still millions of people suffering from excessive weight? Hmm, the first thought that comes to my mind is this…if these supplements are used to suppress one’s appetite, what’s really happening? I get a red flag on this, and that is this…

A supplement for suppressing one’s appetite will not work or stop a person from overeating if they are “overeating” for emotional reasons. Many people continue to eat well past the point of satisfaction…making the supplement worthless, even if it did work!!

One thing that I discovered in my lifestyle choices that I changed, eating plant based veggies and fruit, lean protein, the right fats, have given me a greater balance of nutrition…plus the high fiber intake suppressed my appetite naturally. I have lost weight naturally and have kept it off. I also keep active by walking, I run some and do a kettle bell routine.

The only time I really feel hungry is when I wake up in the morning, so I have a good breakfast. I can remember trying a variety of diets in my earlier years and the one thing I could not change is that once I got hungry…ALL BETS OF DIET WERE OFF!!

Three things I leave you with. 1. Never Let Yourself get Hungry!! 2. Research Emotional Eating. 3. Research Plant-based eating or diet. These three things will give you something to think about…

Oh yes…when I open up my locker (the inside of my site)…get my subscription going, you will have the chance to access even more information I will share.                                    Thanks.



I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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