Turkey Day Stress…

Under-Prepare and Pig Out!!

I will gladly re-name that to Stress and Stress. I can easily remember, like it was yesterday. First STRESSI had no less than a week of thawing out a frozen, big ass 22 plus pound turkey. I had to make sure it got thawed out and make sure it did not go rotten doing it but also ready to cook.

With that, the rest of the meal, with arguments, shouts and confrontations had to be planned out. 1.5 days later in that start week the rest of the meal was created, GAME ON!!

D-Day…I’m up at 3am to prepare that great HUGE bird for the final count down. We got the stuffing mixed just right, the special secret recipe and stuff the bird to the MAX with dressing on the side, I end up with 2 pans in the oven and hoped I had enough oven rack to bake my special scalped corn dish, sweet potato or squash and baked green bean dish that was planned too.

I  couched it for a short nap, cuz I had to get up to turn the oven up later and then help prep the rest of the baked dishes for Thanksgiving, I looked at the clock on the wall and mentally juggled the bake time in my head…the big meal was set for 11.

I was only responsible for the main meal stuff. The pies, cakes, candy goodies were baked, prepared and or some brought over by others the day of or the day before. ALL of it a feast of a meal fit for a king.

At 11 o’clock the table was set with the good dishes, glasses and silverware. Food was dished up, turkey sliced by grandpa with the electric knife and of course the folks invited hustled around and got their chair at the table…kids had a card tables to eat on while the adults got the main table, the unspoken rule!!

Second STRESSgame on, fork in hand, big plate in front of me and I could pile it high, gravy drippin and all. I deserved a great meal, I helped prepare it. No way did I consider the high calories, salt, sugar, saturated fat, carbs a-plenty and low nutrients.

I pigged out, left no room for pie but ate a big piece of Pumpkin Pie and a piece of Apple too. Did I mention the munch’n of goodies prior to the meal…WELL I really felt like the fat toad on the pond. I felt tired, bloated, ready for a nap, a little congestion and stomach puffed out to the point I had to undo my pants just to ease the tightness.

I did not know or realize the STRESS I put on my body let alone the heart attack waiting to happen and the pounds gained over Thanksgiving. I also did not realize the STRESS I put myself through just in the prep of the meal, again affecting my body’s health before I even ate anything.

TODAY, especially over the holidays I am much more aware and watch my “food triggers” that cause me to overeat to feel better. The stress, lack of sleep, traveling, so much of everything to eat.

Did you know that just the “lack of sleep” alone causes you to eat 25% more when your tired, you crave more sugar, carbs and things that give that quick energy or fix you think you need and don’t understand!!

I like to Be-Prepared…

I get good rest, set clear intentions for the Thanksgiving weekend like not wanting tight pants after I eat, keep the sugar intake low, I eat a good high fiber breakfast, have a mid morning shake or smoothie or some fruit.  The “big trigger” I watch is that I eat small portions of just my favorite foods and drink water with my meal, take my time eating and chewing so I don’t stuff.

My body sends out the trigger that I am full…I slip away from the table and do not linger around the food…instead I will help with the clean up or visit with folks away from the table just catching up on things.

My being prepared is being good to myself. I choose good foods that help me feel energized, in control, confident and especially symptom free from the side effects of pigging out…this way I know I am Eating Healthy during the Holidays.

Please enjoy your Thanksgiving as I do, YOU will feel better!!



I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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