
How I eat YOGURT…

It’s 1230 my time, (Central) and I am sitting here eating a bowl of YOGURT that I made up. In my mind I can picture someone saying “I’m not going to eat that shit” or some other descriptive language that is NEG as hell. Some folks will say it is good.

YOGURT…I read the label b4 I buy it. I like it to be Gluten Free, have Live and Active Cultures, Amino Acids and some Vitamin D in it. I get the stuff with the lowest Total Sugar, right around 6 grams of it (and no added FAKE sugar or flavors), Greek Yogurt fits all those things for me pretty well.

Right now, for you sugar junkies or YOGURT haters, on the “game” board of health. go past GO and do not collect 200 bucks, go straight to JAIL…it”s like GAME OVER!

This is what I do with my YOGURT! Today I spooned in about 3 healthy large spoons of YOGURT into a bowl. I sprinkled in about a 1/2 teaspoon of Cinnamon (to taste). I washed and cleaned about 12 seedless grapes and put them in the bowl. I washed and cleaned about 25 blueberries and put them in with my YOGURT. I used pure organic honey and squeezed a couple tablespoons or better (to taste) on top of it all. I used my spoon, mixed and blended it well. THEN ATE IT!!!!!

IT’S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!! Spoon it in, add stuff you like, mix and stir it up, and EAT IT.

It has taste, it”s sweet, it satisfies my taste buds, my cravings and it is damn good for me health wise. So how simple is that? and it is natural…pretty awesome HUH??

I like using a variety of fruit from bananas to blackberries. I like honey. I have used 100% organic pure Maple Syrup. I have used granola, coconut flakes, unsalted nuts to put some crunch to it. With some of the berries and fruit you can mash them up first in the bowl b4 adding the YOGURT (better berry flavor with doing that).

Well folks, this my blog for today. Simple, to the point. I know I got a hell’v of a lot out this blog, cuz I ate my own creative snack, it was petty damn good! Go ahead, make one and find out.

Later, John


I got my Diploma or Certification as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I completed the course requirements of study in traditional and modern nutrition theories, health studies and health coaching.

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